Mother Instructs Timmy in the Art of Tidy Masturbation
Date: 4/22/2017,
True Story
Male / Older Female,
Author: Hunter Gould
... told her it felt good when he gave his ball sac a brief jiggle with his free hand. Tim admitted that he had once thought of his teacher’s nylon covered thighs and his friend Casey’s older sister Kara who he had seen in a revealing bikini, so exotic with her dark hair and blue eyes. His prick began to stir under his pants as he admitted these things to his mother. “Good, son.” said Tim’s mom. “Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m glad you like girls too, although it would be fine if you liked boys. Mommy just didn’t know yet. Your body is doing adult things now, so we are going to talk like adults about this, ok? Tim was almost beyond embarrassment at this point; however his cock had started to cream at the tip in reaction to the sexual talk coming from his mother’s lips. He actually hadn’t had a cum in a few days which was unusual for him lately, so he was feeling really pent-up. “What do you do when you feel yourself cumming?” she inquired. Tim admitted that when he was on his back, he just opened his legs wider when he felt his seed about to spurt out so he wouldn’t get any on himself, and then he scooted to a dry spot and went to sleep. “Do you see how you’re ruining that mattress?” mom asked.“Yes, mom.” Tim mumbled. “We need to do our thing another way, don’t we?” she asked. “Yes, mom.” A long pause ensued while Tim, hoping for an end to the humiliation looked down. “Take off your pants,” she said. “Mom…” “Now,” she ordered with blazing eyes. Tim wriggled out of his ...
... shoes and pants and sat on the edge of the bed in boxers and a T-shirt. The boxers had a wet ring where his penis was touching. “Grab a pillow,” said mom. “Fluff it up.” She smiled for the first time since coming home. “Give it a name,” she said. Tim reached up to the head of his bed and grabbed one of the two pillows he had and banged the sides together. “A name for her,” mom gently prodded. Tim’s cock turned over in his boxers as his mom gender identified his pillow as female. A pin spot of liquid secreted out of his prick hole. “Ashley,” he offered thinking of the blond girl who walked to class in front of him filling up a pair of wide jeans so perfectly and roundly . “Ashley it is,” smiled mom and patted his head affectionately. “Now put her on your lap and get acquainted. Kiss her and tell her she’s pretty. Don’t give me any back-talk now. Until you get a girlfriend, she is your girlfriend. Now, with her, you have permission to go all the way, which you do not have yet in real life! Understand?” Tim nodded. “And if you do have sex son, you have the sense to use a condom. Don’t you, Tim?” “Yes.” “Good. But here in bed with Ashley, or Sally, or anybody you want to call her, you can do your thing right inside her. Do you understand? You told me about the films that coach showed you a couple months ago, remember? Yes. Those are the things you need to do with your new girlfriend,” mommy said as she touched the pillow on Tim’s lap. Claire began to pet the pillow lewdly with both ...