1. Mother Instructs Timmy in the Art of Tidy Masturbation

    Date: 4/22/2017, Categories: True Story Incest Male / Older Female, Masturbation Author: Hunter Gould

    ... you can’t help it. That’s natural and of course it’s Ok. But what you have done on this bed, is dirty, dirty, dirty,” said Timmy’s Mom. Mommy said this and she didn’t even know that some of the stains she was looking at right now had spurted out of Timmy’s cock were while he thought about Claire, his own mother. It had happened again recently one night last week when Tim heard his parents make love. This time he fully understood what they were doing. He imagined he was his father as he lay atop of his mom and felt her wriggle and hump underneath him. Or maybe it was like the films that his coach showed with the buck mating the doe from behind. He wasn’t sure how they were doing it, but he would love it if a woman would coo in his ear the way that mom cooed in Daddy’s ear. He snapped out of the daydream as Mom continued. “Tim, you can’t tell me that this is just from wet dreams can you?” “Mom, I’m telling you, I don’t think that’s all from me. I think that mattress is getting defective. You should try to take it back.” Mom’s eyes bored into him exasperated by his denial. “I think I should make you go back into the store and explain to the store management that you can’t keep your hands off of yourself so you need tips on how to clean seminal fluid off your mattress.” All the stress built up made mom temporarily crazy with anger and her foot tapped on the floor quickly and dangerously. She blinked hard so she wouldn’t strike out with her fist and before Timmy knew it, Mom made ...
    ... him get up on the bed to show her how the bed got wet. Even as the boy admitted to the masturbation to avoid further discussion, Claire was having none of it. “Show Mommy the way your body is positioned when your sperm comes out,” she demanded. Tim gulped and almost sobbed out loud as he slowly got into position on his back, head on his pillow. He spread his legs, knees bent, to show his mother how he lay in bed when he had dirty thoughts before he fell asleep. The shamed teenager was close to tears from the humiliation and fear of knowledge his mother may also have of other recent transgressions such as the panties he’d found, or the other places he’d self-pleasured, like on the back patio for instance. He decided he’d better do what Mom said. “So you lay like that and then what?” “Mom, don’t.” said Tim. “This is so embarrassing.” “You will show me what you do, and tell me what you think about, or your father will know what you have done,” said Claire, who was a runaway train and felt as dirty as the mattress right now because she realized that she was sexually aroused. The solution that she had planned to implement suddenly seemed like it could be inappropriate. She didn’t care at the moment. Her boy rolled over onto his stomach with his hands underneath himself while she studied this. “Next position,” commanded the little brunette while she frowned disapprovingly. Tim turned over onto his back again with his legs open to give her more detail on his genital manipulation. He ...