Mother Instructs Timmy in the Art of Tidy Masturbation
Date: 4/22/2017,
True Story
Male / Older Female,
Author: Hunter Gould
The mattress Tim’s parents had bought him when he was sixteen was becoming ruined because of his masturbation. It was unfortunate for the mattress, but natural that Timmy chose this outlet for his sexual release. The thing was, the boy was still getting used to the strange feeling of his balls loading up with semen and then having to release it. He could produce the substance in good quantities though he no experience or idea of what to do about its disposal once produced. One day things changed when his mom came home from work and told Tim to sit down for a talk. Tim knew by her manner that she meant business. His mother was a slim, dark-haired woman in her late-thirties with a face like Courtney Cox, but different. Her face was pretty and her lips plump. She had tits that were long and plump at the ends; they seemed big on her small torso and you could see her nipples through most garments she wore, not because she was putting it out there, but because that’s just how she looked. Her hips were too big for a small lady, as if there is such as thing. She was made to have babies although she only had one, and that was Tim. She used to be a slight prude, but lately her lips exuded a cynical pout as if the dreams she had would never be fulfilled. Tim’s father had taken on more hours at work and so mother was basically a single parent most of the time, and the family was pretty stressed on finances right now; a bad combination for Tim that day, who was threatening to ruin an ...
... expensive mattress with his careless self-milkings. Mommy, whose name was Claire, got right to the point. “Son, I was doing your laundry today, and I saw your bed....I cannot afford to have you do that to your mattress. It needs to last you until you leave home, and you are treating it carelessly.” When Tim didn’t respond, his mother continued. “Listen to me, son. I know young men have pressure inside of their testicles that makes them need to pump the sperm out of themselves, and that’s ok, but you have to be responsible. You need to get better at this, guy. Understand?” Tim turned a bright red color. He sat with his mouth open, the lower lip moving but no words were forming. “Oh, you’re going to play dumb? Follow me and Mommy will show you what she’s talking about.” The boy felt like he was three years old when his mother referred to herself in the 3rd-person like that. He followed his mother into his bedroom. “Mom, what are you talking about?” he whined as they entered the room. She ignored him and pointed to the mattress lying bare before her, stripped of its dirty sheets and soiled in dozens of spots and smelling ripe like male arousal, but ultimately savable. Left unabated, maybe a few months down the road, his habit would render his nighttime quarters rancid and un-usable. Tim drew a breath sharply inward. “Mom, coach told us that’s normal,” he mumbled. “Yes son, wet dreams are normal. I have no problem with semen leaking from your glands when you reach puberty, because ...