Little Steps
Date: 4/7/2017,
True Story
First Time
Non-consensual sex
Written by women
Author: Valkyrie_KNG
... and my mom was seventeen. They actually managed to make it through the end of high school and college, even with me, and later, my little brother. My mom is a physical therapist, and my dad is a consulting engineer, so we have a pretty nice house, and I am about to graduate from college with no debt. I'm twenty two right now, a senior in college. I'm 5'10” tall, I weigh 115 lbs, which is more than I did in high school, even though I still look anorexic. My metabolism has always been through the roof, and I never stop moving. I used to run and play soccer in high school, but I chilled out a bit in college, and put on about five pounds. I have pale blonde hair, and ridiculously pale skin. Both of my parents are of Irish descent, and my mom even has red hair, but apparently that skipped my over and went to my brother. I did, however, get the freckles, which only show up if I blush or get sun burnt. I have not yet found exactly where the freckles end, but the less I wear out by the pool, the more freckles I find. I have a pretty flat chest, and I wear a 32 A bra. It's pretty sad, really. I also have basically no butt. I wear my hair in a ponytail usually, although if I am feeling fancy, I braid it, and for a little while I kept it short. I dyed it pink at the start of college to try out the punk rock look, but I decided the clothes suited me more than the hair. Honestly, I was just too lazy to keep it dyed all the time. I got my belly button pierced on a dare, but I don't have ...
... my ear rings pierced. I'm terrified on needles, and I thought I would let my belly button close up until I found out the jewelry doesn't really have a needle, just a curved screw. When I was young, my parents sent me to a private catholic school for ten years. Preschool through eighth grade. My little brother, three years younger than me, shared my room until he was nine and I was twelve, but we would still sleep in each others rooms a lot. We were very close, and as far as we were concerned, it just meant we had twice the room to play in. I went to another private christian school for high school. I loved both schools, but the biggest problem was sexual education. We were all pretty sheltered from the idea of sex, and had I not met my idol, I would have probably stayed pretty clueless for a lot of years to come. So, back to my story. My hero had invited me to join his quest for knowledge, and I was his willing minion. One day, he asked me if I would come to the bathroom with him and show him how everything worked. Of course, I agreed immediately. I sat on this sink and spread my legs, and he looked, touched, and asked me questions about where exactly the pee came out, and what the other bits were for. Mostly, I just had to shrug and say I didn't know, which was the truth. At least partly. The other part was, it felt really weird and really good when he touched me, and I didn't want him to stop. I spent the next few weeks hoping he would ask me to go to the bathroom with him ...