1. Little Steps

    Date: 4/7/2017, Categories: True Story Bi-sexual First Time Incest Masturbation Non-consensual sex Teen Threesome Virginity Written by women Young Author: Valkyrie_KNG

    ... everyone thought it was because I spent so much time with my idol. That was also the year of Catholic school “sex ed”. Mostly, they told us all the slang people use to talk about it, told us to wait till marriage, told us to ask our parents, and told us not to talk about it any more. They did give the girls a brief run down on how we get pregnant, and I imagine the guys got a similar talk about getting girls pregnant, but I never asked. From the time I started my period, it was like I was a magnet for the guys in the two classes above me. I don't know if I was releasing some kind of pheromone or what, but my idol was finally showing some interest, and even getting jealous of other guys. We were at his house one day, his dad and my parents were out at dinner, leaving us to entertain ourselves, when he finally took the plunge and asked me to be his girlfriend. I remember teasing him, telling him that I would go out with him if he were a good kisser. We went to his room and locked the door, and he pinned me to the bed and started kissing me. I had never kissed before, but I knew from the moment he put his lips on me, this wasn't exactly how a first kiss was supposed to be. His tongue was in my mouth in no time, and it felt like a dream as our clothes started coming off. It was when I saw his erection for the first time that I started wanting to put on the brakes, but he wasn't having any of it. It hurt. It hurt a lot. I cried, but afterward I told him I loved him, and he held me ...
    ... and kissed me more. I guess technically he raped me, but I didn't fight very hard. I don't know if I am stupid for not being mad at him, or if I really had wanted it. We snuggled in his bed for a few hours, and when the pain had faded enough, I asked him to try it again. It still hurt, and I almost asked him to stop as soon as he pushed into me again, but I really wanted to impress him, so I held back the tears, and tried to be as sexy as the girls I had seen in porn. He looked a ton smaller than all the guys in the magazines, but he felt like he was splitting me in half. I got on my hands and knees and let him take me doggy style, and that's when I started enjoying it. The pain was still there, but now his sack was slapping against my clit, and I came almost immediately. We spent the next year having sex about twice a month. When I was twelve, my idol went off to high school, and I never heard from him again. Apparently he and his dad had moved, and he hadn't told me. I was so mad and so heartbroken, I got revenge in the only way I knew how. I found a high school student at the park and fucked him. I didn't even know his name, just that he was older than my idol, and he ended up being way better in bed. That was the year I stopped sharing a room with my brother. The only times I really shut him out were when I was changing, or when I had a guy over. I found that as much as I loved sex, my favorite part was having them cum in my mouth. It felt nice having that warm splurt in ...