Little Steps
Date: 4/7/2017,
True Story
First Time
Non-consensual sex
Written by women
Author: Valkyrie_KNG
The journey from being an innocent little girl to being... well, I suppose the most polite way to put it would be “disgusting cum slut”, was long and slow. I met a new guy the other day, and while he was over at my house, he saw a picture of me when I was younger on the wall, and he couldn't believe it was me. He said I looked way too innocent. So, I decided to write this, so the next time you meet a girl who likes sex, you'll remember that she's still a person. My first encounter with the sexual world was when I turned four years old. I don't remember much from when I was that young, but I do remember that for some reason, I was terrified of turning four. I loved being three, and I guess I was afraid that four year old me was going to replace three year old me and take all my friends and toys. That's the mind of a four year old for you... Anyway, it was my fourth birthday, and I was in my parents bedroom since they had the biggest TV in the house, and I found a plastic tub under the bed. Being a naturally curious little girl, I began testing the contents in the only way that really made sense. By trying to eat them. I will never forget my mother's face when she came in and found me sucking on her sex toys. Nothing else about my youngest years really stands out, and I didn't realize until seventh grade exactly what I had been doing. I still haven't told my friends why I almost died laughing when a pop up ad for a sex toy I thought looked familiar appeared. The next really ...
... clear memory I have is from kindergarten. Honestly, I think my tunnel vision was at its worst that year. I couldn't have recognized more than the five classmates I sat with, and had no idea if a kid was a year older or younger than me. I met a boy on the playground and I immediately idolized him. He was a cool loner, never ran away from a fight, always had one or two close friends near by. He was like my prince charming. I had no idea he was two years older than me until my birthday, when I tried to invite him to my party and he wasn't on my page of the year book. I had no idea what his name was, so I needed the picture to identify him, and with my tunnel vision, I had no idea he wasn't in my class. Well, he apparently liked me pretty well too. I was the only girl who hung around the cool second grade kid, and he started spending more time with me than his guy friends. I thought I had a boyfriend, even though I really didn't know what that meant at the time. Apparently, second grade is when guys start getting curious about their bodies and about girls in general. He told me that he and one of his friends had been looking through the encyclopedia for every semi dirty word they had ever heard, trying to figure out what on earth happened during sex. I had no idea what sex even was, but he said I could help, so I was thrilled. I guess I should give you a little background about me before I go any further. My name is Katrina. My parents had me pretty young, when my dad was nineteen ...