Karaoke Night
Date: 3/25/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: SteveX
... was absent; Ryan told them that she was still feeling rough and couldn't come out, Craig was unsure if he believed it. Todd and Ryan then spent the rest of the night chatting up as many girls as they could whilst getting quickly inebriated. The night was over by 12:30; Craig was relieved. Ryan's constant attempts at womanising, shouting insults at girls who rejected him, and boorish behaviour were draining, but Todd was lapping it up, hanging on Ryan's every word and even trying some of his pick-up techniques. Craig dumped Todd onto his bed, he turned over on his front and fell asleep immediately. Craig went to his own room and sat on the bed, he was worried about Millie; not buying the story that Ryan had spun. There was something about Ryan, apart from the obvious, that he didn't like. He slept an uneasy sleep, with Millie centre stage in his dreams. At 9am the pool was empty, most of the residents too hung over to be out of bed. Craig had a swim to clear his head; he was worried about Millie, and Ryan's behaviour last night had disturbed him. He didn't know what he would do if she wasn't out tonight. He needn't have worried; at 10:30pm they walked into the karaoke bar and sat next to Todd, Craig was on stage, without Marina, singing 'Diamonds Are Forever'. There was a theme tonight; men had to sing women's songs, and girls were singing men's. There had already been some interesting choices, but Craig's was one of the best so far. Millie was looking at Craig with an ...
... excited look in her eyes, Ryan looked disinterested in everything apart from the other girls in the bar. Halfway through Craig's song, Ryan tapped Todd's shoulder and they left to play pool on the tables outside, leaving Millie alone. Craig took a bow to a rousing round of a applause as a girl took to the stage to sing 'Green, Green Grass of Home'. He felt like he'd floated to the table with Millie's bright smile guiding him in to land. "That was fantastic!" She beamed. "Thanks." He blushed. "I'm so glad to see you. I really missed you last night." "I wasn't really up to it. Ryan..." She left the sentence unfinished and looked away from him, embarrassed. "What about him?" Craig asked. "Are you okay?" She didn't answer, so he changed topic. "Are you singing tonight?" "Marina said I could join her, if I didn't fancy going up alone." She replied brightly, "I might need a few more of these though!" She rattled the ice at the bottom of her empty glass. Subtle hint taken, Craig went to the bar. "Look after her tonight." Marina said as she served their drinks. "I've a bad feeling about him and I'm sure she's covering up bruises." Craig said he would, and that he thought the same; Millie was covering for Ryan, he knew something was wrong, but he wasn't sure what to do about it. As he walked back to Millie, he saw Todd and Ryan outside playing pool. Todd looked over and waved, Ryan ignored him. There was a stack of coins on the corner of the table, which meant that they'd be busy out there ...