1. Karaoke Night

    Date: 3/25/2017, Categories: True Story Cheating Consensual Sex Author: SteveX

    ... din downstairs had stopped, no longer needed to mask their copulation as her last scream of ecstasy died. They parted and then fell asleep, exhausted, in each other's arms. Sunlight poured through the open window and fell across Craig's face, waking him. He turned over and faced the empty pillow next to him, he took a moment to realise that Millie wasn't there. He reached out and his hand brushed a hastily scrawled note: "Craig, I'm sorry I had to leave. Last night was the last of my holiday and thanks to you, it was wonderful. My flight leaves at 10 so I had to go. If you're around Sheffield, please call, I'd love to see you again. Ryan won't be there, I've promised myself that I'm leaving him as soon as I get back. These last two weeks with him have made me realise that he's not the one, and I can live without him. Thank you. Love, Millie." She'd written her address and phone number underneath and signed it with a smiley face. Craig was sad; he didn't want to be the cause of their break-up, but he knew their relationship was doomed, that Millie would have a better life without Ryan. He held the note to his chest for a moment, then got up and dressed. His footsteps echoed hollowly as he descended down the metal steps and around the building to the front of the bar. Marina was there, hosing down the excesses of the night before into the gutter. "You caused some trouble last night young man." She said to him as he handed her the key. "Really?" He replied, "All I ...
    ... did was show a girl a good time." She chuckled and told him of Ryan's adventure and ultimate ride in the back of a police car. "I'm not pressing charges though, it was partly my fault, but I knew you'd treat her better." She nudged him, "There's something about you kiddo!" Craig shrugged. "I'm not sure how he'll get home though? If he's spent the night in the cells, he'll have missed his flight." Marina didn't care. "It's his own hard luck." She said, "If he were a nicer person I'd probably feel sorry for him, but I can't even find the strength to pity him!" Craig agreed. Marina gave him a motherly hug and he left for his apartment. Millie sat next to an empty seat as the plane accelerated and rose into the clear sky. Looking out of the window she thought she could see the bar where she'd finally decided to be happy and take control of her life, but she wasn't sure from this distance. She didn't know why Ryan hadn't turned up for the flight home, but she was glad he wasn't there; it made this all easier. At the baggage carousel she rang her mum; both parents ran to see her as she stepped off the train in Sheffield, her mum exhaling a sigh of relief as Millie told her she'd be moving back home. They went back to Millie's flat the next day and removed all her stuff. She left a note on top of the TV remote saying, "I've gone. Don't try to find me. Don't try to contact me. I won't be back. M." She closed the door, posted the key through the letterbox and walked away. 