Karaoke Night
Date: 3/25/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: SteveX
It was a lads holiday, but only because there were two of them, and they were lads. They'd got a good deal on the package and managed to get a two bed, ground floor apartment in a decent looking complex in a destination that had been touted for it's debauchery and loose morals; they'd been there for four days now, waiting for this place to live up to the hype, but were starting to lose faith. They'd chatted up loads of girls, but it seemed that all of them were either attached, or looking for the kind of hunks they'd seen on TV; Craig and Todd weren't athletic types, so the pickings, for them at least, were slim, and they'd both returned to their rooms alone. On the fourth night, at around 1am, they found a Karaoke bar. Todd was feeling a little the worse for wear, having switched from lager to shorts about an hour earlier, so he found a table while Craig went to the bar for some drinks and the song book. When Craig got to the table, Todd was sat down with his head resting on the top, he jumped when Craig slammed the drink, a Red Bull & vodka, next to his head. "This should wake you up a bit!" He shouted over a group of drunk girls murdering 'Papa Don't Preach', then he sat back and scanned through the list. There were a few songs on the sheet that he'd sung before at his local pub, so he chose these, not wanting to show himself up too much; he wasn't really looking for a holiday fling now, but you never knew, there might be a girl who'd fall for his voice, if not his looks. ...
... He was called up to sing ten minutes later, the crowd was thinning; those left in the bar were all in good spirits and even joined in with the chorus. Although there were free seats available, there was a couple sat on their table. Todd had found his second wind and was talking animatedly with a lad of around 20, his girlfriend was staring at the stage, at Craig, with a wry smile on her face, one hand on her drink and the other on her bare thigh. The song finished to a smattering of applause as Craig left the stage and rejoined Todd at the table. Todd introduced his new friends as Ryan and Millie, Craig shook their hands, Millie's gaze was piercing, he felt like her green eyes were looking into his soul, but at the same time he didn't feel uncomfortable; quite the opposite in fact as he kissed her cheek. Noticing their glasses were empty, Craig offered to buy them a drink; Millie started to say something, but Ryan butted in, asking for two double JD and Cokes, Todd said he'd have the same, Millie looked dejected. At the bar, Craig ordered the drinks and was only half listening to the barmaid whilst looking back towards the table at Millie. Both Todd and Ryan were laughing and slapping each on the back; Millie was sat with her chin resting in her hands, her elbows on the table, occasionally glancing towards the bar. "That'll be 30 Pesetas love!" The barmaids voice brought him back to the present. "Quite pretty isn't she? Shame about the dick she's with. Engaged to the creep, ...