1. Portal Project - The Lottery Games

    Date: 3/21/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Exhibitionism Female/Female Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Spanking, Author: The_Technician

    ... was facing away from the judges’ tables. She reached down to the pole with her other hand and released her feet and then did what was effectively a handstand straight out from the pole so that she was once again facing the three judges’ tables. Number four slid her lower hand up the pole slightly and then slid her upper hand also up the pole. She repeated this several times until she had raised herself to the desired height. Then, without moving her legs, she bent her lower arm and slowly rotated her body until she was standing on the ground. “One of the judges is applauding with the crowd,” said Harold in amazement. As her feet touched the ground, the music changed and she began moving away from the pole. Her whole body was swaying with the music as she moved toward the first judge’s table. She held her left hand up to her mouth and apparently bit the end of the faux glove because as she pulled her arm back, the black glove-like sleeve remained dangling from her teeth. She bowed deeply to the judge, laying the glove on the table immediately in front of him, and then danced back towards the center of the room. She swayed with the music as she spun slowly in the spotlight. When she was once again facing the judges, the second glove was dangling from her teeth. She again danced over to the tables. Many in the audience, as well as the three judges, were moving slightly with her swaying dance as she made her way to the second judge. Again she bowed deeply, and again she laid the ...
    ... glove on the table with her teeth. The music changed into something that sounded like a tango and she moved back toward the pole with large steps. Once there she stood on her hands next to the pole facing it and grasped the pole with her legs. As she did so, the dress fell over her upper body to revealed her legs, which were encased in non-transparent, black stockings which were held up with a black satin garter-belt. A pair of almost thong-like panties covered her crotch. She moved her arms so that her lower body was touching the pole and then gripped it tightly with her legs so that she could arch her back until her head was upright and looking out at the judges. Her dress, which had fallen over her head as she hung upside down, was in her hands. The music changed once again to something that sounded like a shepherd’s pipe. As the flute-like music played a haunting refrain, she slowly pulled the dress upward until it came over her head revealing an almost transparent black lace brasier holding her ample breasts. Once the dress was totally clear of her body, she allowed herself to slide rapidly down the pole. Just before her stomach would have hit the ground, she tucked her body downward and released her legs so that she could do a tumbler’s roll onto the stage. Her roll was perfect and she ended up on one knee in front of the third judge holding the dress in her hands and presenting it forward almost as if it were an offering to the gods. She set the dress on the table in ...