Portal Project - The Lottery Games
Date: 3/21/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Exhibitionism Female/Female Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Spanking, Author: The_Technician
... manner. He had done– or failed to do– such things many times before, but this time an extraction team who hadn’t gotten the delay notice was wiped out for lack of backup and air cover. Typically, Ryan had covered his ass sufficiently that he could not be officially blamed, but everyone in the entire chain of command knew exactly who had screwed up. So, as punishment and to put him somewhere where he couldn’t do any more damage, he was buried away in a useless assignment far away from the normal chain of command. Effectively, he was exiled until he– like many other Lieutenant Colonels before him who failed to advance further– could be forced into plateau retirement. The place of exile chosen for Lt. Colonel Ryan Wetherington was oversight liaison to a useless, dead end, science fiction program called “The Portal Project.” Someone had convinced some idiot senator with a lot of influence that if we could spy on parallel universes we could see what great inventions they had and copy them, thus assuring that we would always have the technological advantage in warfare and economics. Toward this end, a series of “portals” were created that were supposed to bore through the fabric of time and space to see into other dimensions. It was a stupid project that did nothing but attract off-the-wall scientists and tin-foil-hat weirdos. The actual team, however, was top-notch. There were seventeen people under Ryan’s command. All were geniuses and all were, to say the least, very ...
... non-conventional. Nine were civilian contractors who looked like they had just returned from a Cosplay convention. The other eight were theoretically military. That was not immediately obvious as you looked at the team, however. It was difficult to tell who was military because of a complete lack of personal discipline. The only one dressed in anything approaching proper uniform was Johansson, who arrived every day smartly attired in the dress skirt and blouse of a naval midshipmen. The crisscrossed bow tie was even always perfectly in place. The only problem with this perfect uniform was the fact that Midshipman Johansson was Midshipman David Allen Johansson. His IQ was somewhere above Einstein’s and the Navy needed his expertise on a regular basis. But they knew that he was also extremely high on the weird scale, so they needed someplace safe to keep him more or less out of sight when he wasn’t needed. The Portal Project was the perfect fire extinguisher cabinet in which to store his brilliance until it was needed elsewhere. The whole project was a collection of strange ideas and even stranger people and should have been the perfect end of Ryan’s not so glorious career. But Ryan Wetherington was not just a lucky asshole, he was an unbelievably lucky asshole. Four months after joining The Portal Project, the pixilated garbage on one of the monitor screens in the control room flickered to a slightly different color of chaos and then suddenly became a crystal clear image of desks and ...