Portal Project - The Lottery Games
Date: 3/21/2017,
Dark Fantasy
Non-consensual sex
Author: The_Technician
... work areas. At first, the image on the screen looked very much like the control room for The Portal Project, and Ryan’s immediate reaction was to bellow out, “OK, which one of you dweebs is screwing around with the video feeds?” A rather timid voice answered him with “That’s not THIS control room, sir.” That had to have been Johansson. No one else addressed him as “Sir.” The midshipmen was correct. Watching the image on the monitor it was readily-apparent that it was not The Portal Project’s control room. For one thing, it was laid out slightly differently. For another, everything seemed... off. There wasn’t any one thing that you could put your finger on, but the colors, the shapes, even the perspective seemed... wrong. One of the figures working in the image’s control room suddenly looked directly into the monitor with a very surprised expression on his– or was it her– face. They ran out of the image for a moment and returned with a large piece of white cardboard which they held up in front of themselves facing the monitor– actually the portal. It almost looked like it had writing on it, but it seemed to be backward... or twisted... or something. “What the hell is that?” snarled Ryan. “I can read it,” stuttered one of the female scientists. “I have severe dyslexia and normal print is all scrambled in my mind... but that is clear. It says, ‘Can you see us?’” “Answer them,” ordered Ryan, and Ruthie, the dyslexic scientist, ran over to the supply cupboard and brought back a ...
... sheet of poster board. She wrote rapidly on it in the strange, scrambled way that she wrote everything in her personal notebooks. When she held it up to the portal which was displayed on monitor seven, the other control room broke into cheers and applause. A few minutes later, when the excitement had begun to die down, another piece of cardboard was held up to the monitor. “It says ‘transfer,’” said Ruthie. “I think it’s a question.” The figure then pushed the cardboard toward the monitor. “They are going to try to push the note through the portal!” exclaimed another of the techies. The piece of cardboard seemed to push against the glass on the front of the monitor, but nothing emerged from the portal. The frustration on the face of the person pushing the cardboard was obvious as the sign crumpled and bent. Suddenly, another of the workers in the monitor ran over to the first and began an excited conversation. The first figure then picked up both signs on their sides and turned toward the monitor with their arms held straight out to their sides. They rocked their arms up and down a couple of times and then held them even. They then set both signs back down on their desktop and slid them one over the other until they were switched, hand to hand. Midshipmen Johansson shouted, “They think that cosmic balance is preventing the transfer.” He picked up one of Ruthie’s signs in their control room and added, “We have to send something more or less equal back to their dimension at the ...