Portal Project - The Lottery Games
Date: 3/21/2017,
Dark Fantasy
Non-consensual sex
Author: The_Technician
... voting, but I assure you that you are not watching a winning performance.” The final part of her performance was not much better. She did remember to remove the third judge’s shoes before his pants, but her lackluster response once they were in the bed was not much better than with the second judge. After they had finished, the stage lights went dark and crew members came on stage to reset for the next contestant. Harold looked directly into the camera and said, “What can I say?” He shook his head once again. “It is really sad to see someone go through all of that just to blow their chance at the last moment.” The image flickered slightly as it changed from Harold’s live c-o-m-m-e-n-t-a-r-y to his later comments for the highlight program. *** “Wouldn’t mind seeing that commercial,” said Ryan with a laugh. The others watching gave him a strange look as the image returned to the screen and the announcer, Harold’s, face. “We are back for our final segment,” he said, smiling broadly at the camera. “These games have been some of the best that I have seen, and this final performance is the best in my memory.” The scene behind him shifted to the stage for the finalist’s performance. “I should explain,” he said, freezing the image and once again drawing on it with his pointer, “that each contestant can request special arrangements or additions to the layout of the stage. Number four, who performed last, requested several additions to the basic layout.” He drew three small circles ...
... on the screen. “First, notice these valet stands alongside the bed.” He drew four more circles on the bed itself and added, “And notice the shape of the corner posts on the bed. Those are by special request of the finalist. And finally, notice that the stripper pole has been reinforced and is anchored with guy wires that stretch to large wooden poles positioned outside the stage area.” He turned to face the camera. “Number four also requested special music for her performance which she provided to the judges. She had obviously given this a LOT of thought even before she was selected. And once she was selected, she definitely had a plan to make it to the finals. She was that winner in record time from the previous round. Let’s look at her performance in the finals.” The image cut back to the action. The stage was dark– or as dark as it could be with the regular stadium lighting still on. The new panel of three judges were seated at their tables. Everything was quiet. Suddenly the music cut in with a loud blare of trumpets and four spotlights snapped on showing number four, fully clothed in a black, sequined evening dress, hanging sideways on the pole by her legs. Her arms were cloaked in what appeared to be black, elbow-length gloves, but her hands, themselves, appeared bare. As the music began to play, she began slowly circling the pole. Evidently she was twisting herself around the pole using her one hand which was gripping the pole above her. She continued turning until she ...