1. Court Record Chapter Seven

    Date: 2/7/2017, Categories: True Story Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... realized. It was easy to ride and fast. Beyond that Sarah was in fine shape from the exercise in the orchards. The estate was organized such that no one knew where Sarah was, or what she was doing. She had largely been self determining since her mother disappeared to South America. The duty day for the household staff ended between four and seven, depending on duties. The last to leave was the cook and as she drove down the drive, Jayson would ready to retire to his quarters on the lower level. His only remaining duty for the day was at eleven when he assured the estate was secured for the night. Sarah decided to keep her new bike in the milk house where its absence would not be noticed. Summer evenings are long in Michigan. Dinner for Sarah was over at six. She waited restlessly in her library until she was certain all was quiet in the house. Around seven the last of the staff had disappeared down the drive and Jayson was off duty in his quarters. Sarah simply walked out the back door two floors below her bedroom; out across the courtyard to the milk house. Forty minutes later she had Apple Valley Orchards in sight. Sarah walked the last fifty yards up to the house, leaned her bike against the porch and quietly tested he front door. It was unlocked. Inside everything seemed in order. She turned and bolted the door behind her and then proceeded to the kitchen. A coffee cup and plate were in the sink…good sign. The back door was locked and bolted from the inside…good sign. ...
    ... Sarah headed up the steps. The bedroom door stood open and she could see Scotty in bed, covered with just a sheet, sound asleep. The window was open, as usual. As she moved into the room she could hear his breathing. Everything seemed ok. Sarah quietly undressed; top, shorts, panties and bra were folded and place neatly on the dresser. She passed around to her side of the bed, pulled the sheet down and got in. She lay flat on her back breathing deeply. She had two hours until dark, she could spend one of them right here and still have plenty of time to get back to the estate before dark. Scotty had to be exhausted. She could only imagine all he had been through. The worry alone was enough let alone the chase and spending the night in the woods. She would not wake him. There would be no talking this evening; it was enough to just be beside him. Sarah’s arms were at her sides, her head turned slightly toward Scotty so she could see him. He smelled good. He was clean shaved. She reached over and ever so gently lifted the sheet to just look at him. It was wonderful, he was her Scotty again, they were together and things now stood a chance of being normal for the two of them. If one could ever consider this relationship normal. Sarah let the sheet fall gently back and returned both her arms to her sides. She lay very still. Scotty was dead tired for sure… Slowly he turned onto his right side facing her and smiled, “Sarah, I love you so. How did you get here? Are you ok? Is everything ...