Court Record Chapter Seven
Date: 2/7/2017,
True Story
Written by women
Author: Barbiebnympho
... telephone system. In fact it had been so long since she had talked to anyone on the household system she had to look up the numbers. It took five rings until Jayson answered his extension. She could tell immediately she has awakened him. She chose her words carefully, “Jayson, this is Sarah, I am sorry to wake you but there might be and emergency behind our property. Could you check something out? From my dormer window I can see what sure looks like a big fire. I have watched it for over half an hour and it really worries me. Someone could be in trouble. There was silence on the other end of the phone. Then a sleepy Jayson replied, “Ok Sarah, you go on back to bed and get a good night’s sleep. I will see if there is anything wrong out there. Don’t you worry about our properties; all of them have good alarms. It there was anything wrong in the barns, I would know. But, I will look into it anyway. I will stick my head out that way right now. Good night.” Sarah’s worries grew. Jayson had been with the family for years. His entire world, all his responsibility, ended at the fence of the estate. There had never been any effort at all to get to know anyone in the community. She just did not trust him to even care about something down in the valley. And, as far as she being worried about neighbor, so what. He had watched Sarah grow up. She was just an over protected little girl. Nothing she did or said would ever change that. To him she had always been just a job requirement, ...
... something that had to be tolerated, and that had not changed. Would he even look out the window? She returned to her enormous bed, propped up on a stack of pillows, turned out the light and tried to sleep. It was impossible. It seemed like she could see the red glow from bed, like it filled the room; impossible, another quick check at the window showed it was way less bright than before. As she crossed back to the bed she realized she was wearing a nightgown. That was the problem. She was used without it right next to Scotty. No wonder she could not get to sleep. This thing was a real handicap; it balled all up around her. Now she was lying very still on her back, absolutely nude, and sleep was ever further away. She so needed the warm, loving feeling of Scotty beside her, of his hand in hers, his hand on her leg, his arm to rest her head on, his body upon which…She dozed. Minutes later she was back across the room calling once more for Jayson: had he been able to see the fire? Had he any answers? It took several rings until she was once again connected to his sleepy voice. “Yes Miss Sarah. I looked out back. Yes, I could see what looked like a small fire. I called the fire office in town and was told a farm house down in the valley burned, but it was a small place. The fire was quickly extinguished, everything is all right. Have pleasant dreams. I will see you in the morning.” That was it. Sleep was going to be impossible. Sarah was certain it was Scotty’s place. Had the county ...