1. Court Record Chapter Seven

    Date: 2/7/2017, Categories: True Story Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... “Yes Charlotte, this is Cybil Wanewrite. How can I help you?” Wow, maybe the voice was a little too heavy, a little too mature. Was it even believable? “Mrs. Wanewrite, once again I am so sorry for bothering you this early, but it is important that I ascertain the where a bouts of your daughter Sarah. We received a missing person inquiry from county authorities in Michigan yesterday and need to follow up on it quickly. Do you know where your daughter is? If she is gone from your custody they may be able to locate her if we move quickly. The additional few moments had given Sarah time to settle down a bit. She was completely in her element now. This was right out of a good novel. Maybe she should lighten her voice just a little; she always knew she had the capacity to overact, “Sarah missing? There is a mix up somewhere. Sarah is upstairs in bed. My husband and I just got back from a trip to celebrate our anniversary and Sarah went to visit my brother in Michigan while we were gone. We drove over and picked her up yesterday. She is home safe and sound other than a few big bug bites from playing around on his farm. I think she is going to sleep for a week.” Sarah was thrilled with her acting ability. The dialog had been perfect, her voice had been perfect…so believable. There was just a quick exchange of pleasantries and the conversation ended with a final apology from Charlotte for the early call. What good luck. What good fortune. Sarah had been able to document her own ...
    ... location. Scotty was in no trouble. His “sister” had just explained everything to authorities. Sarah was safe and with all the things the NYPD and the local County Sheriff had to do; this should quickly be forgotten. Sarah hung the phone up and collapsed on the bed. Her mind was racing. What a marvelous coincidence; the note, the quick trip home in the morning, Jayson turning off his phone, such a string of good events never happen for Sarah Wanewrite. Well now that they did they must be used to the upmost. She reached for the phone; a master stroke plan blooming in her head. Two rings and Ann answered for Children’s Services New York. “Hi Charlotte, this is Cybil Wanewrite calling you back. Sorry to bother you, but a thought crossed my mind after we hung up. We have residences in New York and Michigan, as well as down south; in the summer our daughter, Sarah, spends a lot of her time in Michigan to get out of the city during the heat. My husband and I are busy with business and we travel a good bit as a result. When we are out of town Sarah often stays with my brother. Obviously something went wrong with the authorities there this trip. I wanted to inquire; is there some form of documentation we should give my brother, beyond her medical authority? Should he have something else that might eliminate this mix up again? Perhaps a phone call from you to the folks back there would tell us what we need to assure a mix up like this doesn’t happen again.” Charlotte immediately responded, ...