Court Record Chapter Seven
Date: 2/7/2017, Categories: True Story Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho
... through some kind of hell. Sarah rushed down to the edge of the water where she waded in fully clothed until she could no longer wade and then she swam. Clem stood of the far bank with a look of utter disgust, “Sarah, Sarah he said weakly. What the hell are you doing here? How did you know where I was hiding? Please, please…he stumbled down to the water edge where she actually caught him in her arms. Together, they sank down into a heap on the sand. It was obvious Clem’s nerves were shot. He was a wreck…he smelled terribly…his clothes were dirty and very torn…his left hand wrapped in the dirty remains of his undershirt. His face and arms were scratched and covered with bug bites. He continued to talk, but just an incoherent jumble of ever worry in the world. “Scotty, Scotty shut up, lie still. Let me hold you. It is over! It is over! Listen to me. I have good news, for you, for us. No one is following me. No one is hunting for you. Everything is alright; you are safe. It is safe for me to be here with you. Be quiet for a minute and let me tell you what happened.” For the next several minutes she sat cross-legged in the sand with Clem’s head cradled in her arms. He had fallen silent as she told him of the improbable string of events that has secured their freedom from the probing eyes of the law. The hurried escape to the camp ground…the early morning delivery to the estate…her horrible day alone…the burning shed…her nagging Jayson until he turned off his phones…the early ...
... morning call from New York Children’s Services…Sarah being the only one who could hear the phone….the conversation confirming she was safe and sound…and finally the feed back to Henry Jacks that she was in fact Clem’s niece and safe at home. Clem sat quietly, breathing deeply not believing what he was hearing but too tired to ask a question. They sat silently. It was all too much to take in. Clem rested on her lap, looking up into her face. It was the first peace he had known in hours. “Sarah, you will never know how glad I am to see you. How did you find me? I have had a night of terror.” Slowly he started to tell Sarah of his night; too many police cars…hiding in the garage with the door open hoping they would just glance in and then go on up to the house after seeing no one in the garage…hoping they would leave after searching the house and barn…setting the garage on fire as a diversion when his plan collapsed and they continued to search…racing into his orchards in the dark…running endlessly in the dark. Finally settling here, up in the forest beyond the pond, convinced he could not be found and with the water and fruit he could live here a long time. No details, just facts, a night sleeping on the ground up in the dense trees behind his pond. One by one Clem and Sarah started to come alive, ask a few questions of one another and shudder at some of the details. It had been twenty four hours of unimaginable terror for Clem and amazingly good luck on Sarah’s side. Sarah helped ...