Date: 2/5/2017,
True Story
Author: spermlover
... kidding and said, “ Yeah, my tank is kind of empty but it won’t take long to be full again, maybe a day. “ “ Would you like to get together again? “ Barb asked. Roland quickly replied, “ damn, you took the words right outta my mouth. For sure, I’ll always be ready to meet you guys again. Just let me know a little bit ahead of time so I can make sure my sperm tank is on full. “ Glad to hear that Roland, we’ll be in touch. As Roland was leaving the room Barb told him to be sure and ask his friend to get the place cleaned up. “ For sure, I’ll do that. “ Roland was gone. I looked at Barb and asked what the hell got into you tonight? She replied, “ what do you mean, didn’t you enjoy the evening? “ Well yeah, I did, but I think you were a little overboard, don’t you? No not at all, what makes you say that? I’ve never seen you be so aggressing and maybe pressing Roland a little bit, don’tcha think? “ Look Gary, starting off with Roland jerking off in the alley then all the stuff I’ve read about in that Cocoa-‘N-Cream magazine, and your friend Jerry and his wife I’ve convinced myself that I am or maybe I should say we are missing out on a lot of fun? “ Well Barb, if the interracial life style is something you’d like then yes, I’d have to agree. Is that life style something you like to incorporate into our lifestyle? “ Yes, I think so. How about you? Would you? “ “ I’ll tell ya, watching you give him a BJ was a turn-on for me, so I’d have to say yes. But there in one thing I want to ...
... make perfectly clear. I don’t want this to interfere with our relationship. I mean I love you and I appreciate your position on the whole thing but I don’t want some black cock to come between us. “ “ You don’t have to worry about that Gary, I love you more than you’ll ever know, it’s not going to be an everyday thing. Right now I have no desire to do anything again but hey maybe in fifteen minutes things will change. “ Barb laughed and so did I. “ So tell me your first impression on having another guys sperm in your mouth? “ “ Well, I was totally surprised when you did that, never expected it. If your wondering if I was taken back or pissed that you did that, the answer is no. I didn’t love it but maybe on a scale of 0 to 10, I’d call it maybe a 7. I think he came in your mouth twice, yes? “ “ Yes he did. His first load I completely swallowed. What you got was from his second load. Remember when he said, “ keep going, keep going “, that was right after I swallowed his first load. God that guy can squirt a lot of sperm. He came three times tonight “ “ Yeah, he sure is a shooter, we’ll put him on our “ friends list “. “ “ That’s for sure Gary, that’s for sure! Wanna screw me before we leave? “ “ I thought you’d never ask Barb. “ We both got undressed and when I slid my cock into her. Barb’s er pussy was soaking wet. “ You know your pussy is so wet it’s almost dripping? “ Yes, I know, does it feel good to you? “ “ It does feel great, I like the feeling, I’m thinking that someone ...