Date: 2/5/2017, Categories: True Story Author: spermlover

    ... booth, you’ve got to feed the machine; the management likes it like that. “ “ OK, so where are these booths? “ Roland replied, “ Follow me. “ and he started walking to the back of the store. It was dimly lit. You could walk straight ahead, turn to the right, or turn to the left. Roland walked straight ahead to the back of the hallway. On each side of us there were doors, some closed and some open. The end booth has a hole in the wall that goes thru to the booth here [ it was the second booth from the end ]. That booth [ he pointed to the third booth from the end ] has a hole that goes thru to the second booth from the end. So the second booth was a booth in the middle of the two other booths with holes to the first and third booth. Barb said, “ so guys can go into the 1st or 3rd booth and put their cock thru the hole into the 2nd booth, right? “ “ Yup, that’s it. If we would have turned to the left or the right when we entered this area, it’s the same game down at the end of the other hallways. So like if you want to suck and fuck at the same time you can do that in the 2nd booth, one cock from booth 1 and 1 from booth 2. That’s not to say that you can’t get screwed only, I mean if a guy sticks it thru booth 1 or booth 2 you can always back-up onto it if you want. There’s a guy who comes here once in awhile who has a 13 incher and I’ve seen him screw a gal thru the hole. “ Barb asked, “ is he black? “ Roland answered, “ yup. Can’t remember his name for sure but it’s either ...
    ... Todd or Tad, or something like that. The night I saw him screwing the gal the door to the booth was open, he must have pumped a lot of sperm in her because I could see it running down the inside of her legs. I was a total sight. Barb kind of laughed and said, “ I’d like to meet him. “ Roland replied, “ if you visit here often, you’ll probably run into him sooner or later, and I could always put the word out to my buddy at the counter. “ Barb took me by the hand and we went into the second booth, closed the door, and latched a little latch that locked the door. Inside the booth there was a seat large enough for two people. About 5 or 6 feet in front of the seat was a TV screen and a coin box for the tokens with a selector switch. About 2 feet in front of the seat there were two holes on each side about 4 inches in diameter. Up next to the TV screen was a roll of paper towels and a waste basket. We sat there for about a minute and Barb said, “ this place stinks. It smells like someone urinated in it about a week ago. “ “ Yeah, it sure does, it’s pretty rank. “ “ Gary, let’s leave, I don’t care for this at all. If it was clean, it would be a different story but this is just to much. “ Just then Roland’s cock came thru the hole. “ Roland, can you hear me? “ “ Yeah. “ “ Roland, I don’t like this place, it smells and it’s dirty. We’re going to leave. Why don’t we go back to the motel and I’ll suck you off in the room. Is that OK with you? “ “ OK, if that’s what you would like, I’m OK ...