Date: 2/5/2017, Categories: True Story Author: spermlover

    ... stopped at the β€œ J&P β€œ [ Jerry & Pam ] ad and handed the book back to Roland, β€œ I think this is the best ad in this issue. β€œ Roland looked at it and said, β€œ This is the couple I just told you about. I was supposed to meet them but I struck out. β€œ β€œ That’s a shame Roland, sorry that happened. I’d say they screwed themselves. So how about the pictures, are you game? β€œ β€œ Yeah, OK, I’m game, how about if I put some nut on your face that would be a great pic? β€œ β€œ No, I don’t want to go that far, just a few erotic teaser pictures. β€œ β€œ You guys really going to put an ad in the magazine? β€œ β€œ Don’t really know for sure at this time Roland, we’ll see what happens down the road. We’re really new at this and want to take it one step at a time. β€œ Roland got off the bed stood up and pulled down his pants. His cock was about three quarters hard. Barb got down on her knees and started to pump his cock. I got the camera ready. Barb positioned her face next to Roland’s cock, opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue - snap picture #1. Next she puckered her lips and placed them on the head of his cock, kinda like kissing it - snap picture #2. Next, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue and took the head of his cock and placed it on her tongue - snap picture #3. β€œ OK, that should do it, lets go downtown to the bookstore, maybe your friend Roberto will be there. β€œ β€œ Don’t you want to suck it till I nut Barb? β€œ β€œ No, that will happen downtown at the bookstore. β€œ Barb laughed, β€œ then again ...
    ... you won’t know if its Gary or me doing the deed. β€œ We packed up our stuff and left the motel. The ride downtown was probably 20 minutes & we talked about little nothings. There was a parking spot right outside the bookstore. We got out of the car and walked into the store. Immediately as you walked thru the door there was an elevated counter with an attendant who was the cashier. Roland knew him and they exchanged hellos. I couldn’t hear everything they said but I did hear Roland mention something about cock sucking & the attendant laughed. Barb and I had wandered over to the magazine area and were looking at the various books. Roland walked up to us and said, β€œ ready to visit the glory hole booths? β€œ Barb replied, β€œ give me a minute. β€œ She was looking at the latest issue of β€œ Cocoa-β€˜N-Cream β€œ. Right next to it was a book named, β€œ Ohio Swingers β€œ. I asked Barb which one she liked better and she replied, β€œ Cocoa-β€˜N-Cream β€œ. β€œ Why that one? β€œ I asked. β€œ Look at the covers, β€œ Ohio Swingers β€œ has a white couple on the cover but β€œ Cocoa-β€˜N-Cream β€œ has a white girl and a black guy picture on the cover. β€œ Roland chimed in and said, β€œ I’ve bought copies of both and if your really looking for black cocks, β€œ Cocoa-β€˜N-Cream β€œ is your best bet. β€œ Barb said, β€œ OK, lets go to the booths. β€œ β€œ OK, my buddy gave me some tokens for the movie machines so we’re good to go. β€œ β€œ Roland, what are the tokens for? β€œ β€œ They are for the video machines. If your going look at videos or just β€œ use β€œ use a ...