1. Her First Taste Of Wine

    Date: 1/20/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Drug, Enema, Humiliation Incest Rape Reluctance Author: littlequitter

    ... She tries. She really does. But whatever he’s pushing into her widens and widens and she can’t help it, daddy please bubbling around the makeshift gag, you’re hurting meeee And it’s in. She collapses on his lap, aware for the first time of something hard pressing against her pelvis. Daddy pats her bum, squeezes her swollen belly. She can feel the liquid slosh around her. She needs to go to the bathroom. “Now we’ll just wait for that to work. And then we can have some fun. That is, if you can keep the fucking noise down. Maybe we’ll take turns kicking you in the belly and see how many turn you into a decanter.” ~to be continued