1. Her First Taste Of Wine

    Date: 1/20/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Drug, Enema, Humiliation Incest Rape Reluctance Author: littlequitter

    ... at Christmas. I don’t wanna waste it..” He pulled her close. Mouth next to hers, his breath tickling her ear. She looked dizzily around, looking at the other guys, they both had their eyes on the movie. “I know a way that you can have that drink and not have to taste a thing.” Her eyes wide and glassy, wordlessly questioning. “Yeah, it’s true. I’ll show you how, if you like. But it’s a bit of a grownup thing to do. So if I show you how and we do it, you have to promise not to tell anyone, ok?” She swallowed thickly. Thinking hurt. It was easier to agree. “Ok Daddy, show me how.” He looked down at her. Gripped one of her ears and twisted. She yelped. Richard looked over at the sound, saw the scene playing out and winked. “Once you agree, there’s no take backs. Ok Katy?” “Yes daddy no take backs I promise..” He let go. “Good girl. Stay there a sec, ok? Have another beer.” He poured it for her this time, dropped another pill in. Vitamins, she thought hazily. She could hear Daddy rummaging around in the kitchen. She sipped on her beer. Her head was woozy. Lights darting around under her eyelids. Steve and Richard are talking to each other softly, looking at the TV still but she can see them darting glances at her. She hears her name again, this time without the rush of pleasure. Yeast and alcohol turning in her stomach. Suddenly she’s too dizzy to sit up. She hears Daddy coming back, feels him tug her over onto her stomach, propped over his knees. Feels him yanking her pajama ...
    ... pants down. Squealing with discomfort and embarrassment, trying to pull them back up. He firmly grabs both wrists in one hand and pins them into the small of her back. “Hey guys,” she hears Daddy say over her rising panic. Pete and Richard look over, small grins starting in their faces as the observe the scene, Katy blushing and tearing up, over her dad’s knee, bottom up, ineffectually struggling. Dim words from a long way away. “Katy’s volunteered to show us how to drink her wine plugged. Isn’t that right, pumpkin?” Struggling and whimpering, too confused not to nod but too scared not to try to get away. Dull pain in the back of her head, she thinks he used the base of the wine bottle he brought over. He rips her panties down, spreads her cheeks roughly and she thinks she’s gonna die, she’s so exposed he’s spanked her in front of his friends before but only as a kid and not like this “I’ll plug you up nice and full, baby.” Hawking. Spitting. Rubbing her hole, roughly inserted fingers. Something cool and cold, ridged texture, pain as he works it in. Struggling and thrashing and trying to scream, if he hadn’t balled a sock and stuffed it in her mouth. Bum still pointed up, legs parted around his thick thigh, she can feel the liquid trickling inside her, inexorably filling her. A pop as the neck is pulled out, and then more agonizing pain as something impossibly large is pressed against her anus. “Deep breath, Katy. Stay quiet, don’t embarrass me you little cunt. You wanted this.” ...