1. Her First Taste Of Wine

    Date: 1/20/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Drug, Enema, Humiliation Incest Rape Reluctance Author: littlequitter

    ... her bum. “Hey pumpkin.” He smiled at her. “It’s ok, I’m having the boys around anyway. We’re going to order pizza later.” He released her and she breathed in, happy. “Ok daddy. I’m going to get some food and then go upstairs and let you guys be, ok?” “Sure thing pumpkin, have fun.” She made a sandwich, listening to the men talk with one ear, rough deep voices teasing and laughing. A couple of times she caught her name and she squirmed with happy satisfaction that her daddy was talking about her. She hoped it was good things. She skipped to her room, blowing a kiss to daddy before she left, and set up on her bed. Ate her sandwich. Put on a movie in the background while she did her maths. At around ten, she cleaned her teeth and put on her pajamas, padded down the hallway, poked her head around the living room door. “Hey Daddy?” He turned to look at her, still laughing, halfway through telling something to Steve, who was laughing so hard he choked on his beer. It was just Daddy and Steve and Richard now, they were watching a movie, something with a lot of explosions. Empty cans around the couch, pizza boxes. She took a mental note to clean up in the morning. “Yeah sweetheart?” “I just wanted to say goodnight, Daddy.” She went to hug him and he returned the hug, pulling her close, surrounding her with the familiar scent of beer and cigarettes. She kissed his cheek and went to pull away, but he held on. She looked at him, surprised, inquiring. “Why don’t you stay down here with ...
    ... us for a bit, pumpkin? The movie’s only just started.” She smiled, nodded, delighted. He smiled back. “Ok baby, want something to drink? We could all witness your first ever cider, huh guys?” “Sure Daddy, that sounds great.” “Grab yourself a glass and come sit next to me then.” She fetched a glass from the kitchen and hurried back to nestle against him, feet tucked under her bum, too excited to even concentrate on the movie. He poured the cider for her, showing her how to tilt the bottle neck at an angle. He dropped a white pill in the glass first though (clink), for her vitamin C, he said. She sipped at it slowly as the movie played and she fielded well intentioned flirting from Steve and Richard, got a boyfriend yet Katy? Getting kinda big on top, arentcha? Explosions and guns and some kind of plot. Minutes passed. She began to notice her head lolling, feeling dull and fuzzy and hyperaware of Daddy’s comforting warm weight against her. His arm around her. Once his hand grazed her breast and she jerked but he didn’t move, he must just not realise.. him saying something to her, low buzz vibrating in his chest, trying to focus, “w-what did you say daddy?” “Want another drink, baby? Want some wine?” Smiling down at her. She moves her head experimentally, still woozy. “Um I dunno Daddy, I feel all funny..” she trailed off. He looked displeased. “I mean, sure, I’d love some. But Daddy, does it have to be wine? Remember I don’t like the taste.. I tried that sip of yours that time ...