1. Dog days of summer Ch 4

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Fiction Bestiality, Author: jayiscool, Source: sexstories.com

    ... slid up inside her dripping cunt. Billy stared up with animal amusement while Angela's tears dripped from her puckered nipples as the frantic squirming blonde started on another mind-boggling orgasm. Howling and whining against her clenched fist, she found herself again straining toward the panting Shepherd and pressing her knees against his shoulders as he snuffled and drooled over her avid honey-bushed pussy; she was frantic with mortification and shame as she felt herself heaving forward, thrusting her snatch toward the animal's steady tonguing. Billy felt a savage surge of satisfaction, feeling the big dog's relentless licking slowly driving the desperate captive into insanity, making her come-crazy for the animal tongue. Limp as a dishrag and shivering uncontrollably, Angela groaned and giggled dementedly through her muffling hand, wriggling and thrusting her bush at the eager animal crouched slavering between her thighs. Alternately begging, whining and sobbing in mortified ecstasy, she gripped the chair arms with both hands and stared down in enthralled revulsion as she spread her thighs wide, exposing her throbbing and demanding clit to the relentless beast's velvet tongue. There was no way the frenzied secretary could escape the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Angela was ready to pass out, she lay limp in the chair, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. Realizing that the panic-stricken blonde could be taken again and again if he let ...
    ... her rest, Billy gave a contented rumbling growl and changed to a slow-motion washing of the secretary's bare pussy, his tongue languidly flicking between her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris. Angela was moaning aloud and writhing on the cushion, loins throbbing as her snatch melted again to the dog's incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her pussy responding automatically to the exquisite torture of the big dog's velvet tongue. Powerless to escape the animal blowjob, feeling about to faint in unbearable ecstasy, Angela writhed desperately and collapsed back into the cushions, hanging onto the chair arms and panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Even as her thoughts clamored with disgust and mortification, her hips were rolling mechanically back and forth under the animal's lingering ceaseless licking, intensifying the gratification of each deliberate stroke. Billy couldn't get enough of Angela Phillips' disgusted infatuation with the forced bestial lapping she was now totally mesmerized by. Despite her mortified resolve not to let herself respond to the incredible sensation, Angela felt her drool-wet ass tighten with every flick of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. She couldn't believe her eyes when the Shepherd stared at her knowingly as he licked deliberately into her pulsing asshole. The secretary whimpered in despair as she saw herself ...