1. Dog days of summer Ch 4

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Fiction Bestiality, Author: jayiscool, Source: sexstories.com

    ... spasmed as the unrelenting doggie licking went on and on and on. There was no way the frenzied blonde could escape the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Angela collapsed limp on the chair, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. Sensing that the quivering blonde had lost all will to resist, Billy gave a contented rumbling growl and changed to a slow-motion washing of the hapless woman's bare pussy, his tongue languidly flicking between her delicate inner lips and sliding over her exposed clitoris. Fascinated by the desperate woman's mortified response to the Shepherd's inescapable licking, the excited freshman was determined to drive the humiliated widow into a sexual frenzy before the big dog let her go. The captive blonde's eyes darted frantically from the huge animal lapping deliberately at her spread pussy to cell phone lying hopelessly out of reach, twitching helplessly under the dog's maddening licking. After twenty minutes of slow animal tonguing, Angela was moaning and writhing against the chair cushion, loins throbbing as her snatch melted under the dog's incessant licking. Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in panic even while she felt her pussy responding automatically to the exquisite torture of the dog's velvet tongue. Billy forced himself to restrain his excitement, holding the sobbing, writhing blonde on the edge of orgasm as she shivered under his skillful animal tongue. Powerless to escape the bestial licking, Angela ...
    ... clenched her hands over the chair arms, knuckles white with strain, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch. Even though her thoughts clamored with fear and total mortification, the hapless blonde felt her hips rolling mechanically back and forth under the big dog's lingering ceaseless licking, intensifying the enjoyment of each slow stroke. Despite her resolve not to give in to the incredible sensation, she felt her drool-wet ass tighten with every flicker of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. She had a sudden horrifying vision of the girls walking out onto the patio to find her dripping with sweat and gasping in ecstasy with the huge animal licking her pussy; she could picture her shocked daughters' revolted expression as she tried to convince the girls she hadn't really wanted the bestial licking at her slit. Despite her fear and mortification, the dismayed secretary found herself responding with increasing excitement to the dog's expert tongue. Shivering uncontrollably, Angela groaned and panted desperately for breath while the enthusiastic animal crouched slavering between her thighs. The throbbing in her crotch was building and she knew she had to get some relief or she would come at any moment. She tried swaying her hips from side to side to keep the velvet tongue away from her clit, shifting and wriggling until it looked like she was having a seizure, twitching and gasping with her clit throbbing under the skillful animal's ...