Jay and Amy part 4
Date: 10/30/2016,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Written by women
Author: jvo
... says angrily to me. “Back the fuck off,” Jay says coming to my rescue. “She fucking knows, so why she fucking asking?” Mike says back to Jay. “She doesn’t fucking know,” Jay replies. Mike visibly steps back with shock. He looks at me and lowers his eyes a little “Sorry Amy, I didn’t mean to snap at you. Jay, fucking tell her. I’ll walk home.” “What was that about?” I ask, Michelle and Luke get into the car leaving just Jay and I alone out on the sidewalk. “When I was 14, and Mike and Luke were 16, some shit happen. We were at a party, and a guy smacked a broad. We didn’t even fucking know them but the three of us got into it with the guy’s crews. Mike says he was the loudest, making us back him. Shit got out of hand, Mike fucking took four guys down by himself. They had broken fingers, arms, legs, and ribs. The guy that had his hands on the girl came out with one blinded eye. Mike wouldn’t stop punching his eye, cops had to taser his ass. Shit was bad, dad couldn’t get him out of it so he had to learn his lesson. Went to Juvenile detention center for one year, came out mad more than ever, always trying to fight. Couldn’t ...
... control his temper, lashed out at everything. But Luke and him took the anger and turned it into the underground. Went through hell to come out with a good outlook.” Jay says to me. “And the guy who’s blind in one eye?” I ask back quietly. I wanted to know but I didn’t want to know. “Press charges, restraining order, moved away. Mike wrote to him to ask for forgiveness, he gave it. Mike paid for his eye operation too, now guy can see. He’s a surfer now, lives good, talks to Mike occasionally. All’s forgiven.” “But Mike still blames himself,” I state. “Yeah, thinks he’ll lose his shit again and do something worse. Scare of a relationship where he might hurt someone he loves. Lashes out to push people away.” “Did she Nicole’s reaction to Mike?” I ask Jay. “No, was looking at Mike’s reaction….fucking love at first sight,” Jay says to me and finally smiles. “Yeah, Nicole had that look too. But she pushed it away and locked it up. This is going to be a tough one,” I say and then walk up to Jay, sliding my arms around his waist. “Yeah baby it is, but we’ll help,” Jay replies and then kisses the air out of me. Comment for part 5