1. Jay and Amy part 4

    Date: 10/30/2016, Categories: Fiction Asian, Black, Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Erotica First Time Hardcore Romance School Teen Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Written by women Author: jvo

    ... silver short heels. Jay’s wearing black jeans and a black button on shirt. Jay, Mike and I are downstairs waiting for Luke and Michelle . When they finally get here, both their hairs are messy and Michelle’s lip gloss is all over Luke’s lips. We start laughing and finally head off to Jay’s car. The underground is crazier tonight, there are way more people than yesterday. Everyone decides to dance first before the fights start, Mike states ‘no dance’ and then walks away. I swear these guys and their caveman talk. For the first time, I finally realize how to tell the twins apart. Luke has this easy vibe around him. He seems more friendly and more approachable. Where Mike has this bad boy vibe, like he’s dangerous. His vibe tells you to back the fuck up. I saw that last night when he was banning Andrew and his crew out. His word went and no one dares to talk back to him. It was intimidating and intense. He has this foul mood thing going on, but that foul mood just makes him hotter. Who ever is his forever girl must have a strong back and not scare to talk back to him. Michelle and Luke are dancing a couple of feet in front of Jay and I. We’re in a close hugging dance even though r&b music is blasting through the speakers. When all of a sudden a security guy runs to us. “There’s big trouble outside,” security guy says to Jay. I look around and notice Mike and Luke also have security guys talking to them too. We all head out the mead underground entrance and we stop ...
    ... immediately. There are cops out there with guns pointing at us and they do not look happy. We all put our hands up and they’re giving us commands to get down to the floor. Malcolm finally steps up and tells everyone, “lower your guns boys, they’re my sons and daughters in law.” “We got a tip that there was a hostage situation inside,” Malcolm starts to say to us. “What the fuck?” Mike explodes out. “Fucking playing games,” Jay says out loud. “It must’ve been Andrew and them,” says Luke. After we explain our selves, the cops tell us to close up shop tonight. We decide to listen to them since we weren’t going to get arrested for holding an illegal club and illegal fight club. The customers weren’t too happy about us closing but when they stepped outside and saw all the cops, they quietly and quickly left. To say the guys were upset is the biggest understatement! You can feel the ‘i’m killing someone’ vibe bouncing off their bodies. Even Luke has the vibe and he’s usually the happy twin. “This is war,” Michelle says to me. Oh damn, I was scare she was going to say that. We were all getting ready to leave when all of a sudden a red camaro pulls up to us. Mike, Luke and Jay push Michelle and I behind them. The door opens and black boots steps out, follow by long legs cover by a pair of jeans follow by the body of a very beautiful white girl. Beautiful barely describes her, she’s about 5’7, she has blonde hair with baby blue eyes. She’s wearing skinny blue jeans with a white tank top and a ...