Jay and Amy part 4
Date: 10/30/2016,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Written by women
Author: jvo
... leather jacket covering it. She leaves her engine running and her car door open and steps up to us. Michelle and I immediately moves in front of the boys. She stops and smiles, and then proceeds to blow us away. “It’s nice knowing that girls will protect their men. You guys don’t have to worry about me, I’m not here as a threat. Michelle and Jay, you guys probably know me. I’m Andrew’s and Emily’s older sister Nicole.” We’re all stunned to silence but then she continues on. “Those two idiots are always starting trouble wherever they go. I heard our cousin Chad got his ass beat by Jay. He deserve it too, always walking around acting hard and shit. Fucking soft as a pillow. I also you guys banned them, and they ain’t too happy about that. They’re out for revenge, all three of them. I don’t care about revenge, I never got along with any of them. I heard them setting something up, they were going to send a friend in your club and make her act like she was kidnapped and shit. I stop the friend at a red light but pretending my car was broken. She stop to help me and I put her in a choke hold. She’s good so don’t worry about her. I couldn’t do shit about them calling the cops but hear there was a father who’s a cop, so I know he got you out of it.” I’m still stuck on the choke hold part. But she goes on again. “You guys gotta watch yourselves. They want to fuck you guys over, and they want it bad. They’re willing to whatever it takes for a little revenge. I suggest you guys be ...
... careful. I wanted to stay out of this but they’re talking it too far. I’ll try my best to give you guys a heads up when I hear shit. Give me your number.” Michelle and I don’t move a muscle, and Nicole walks closer to me and takes my phone out of my skirt pocket and presses some number and then her phone rings. “Alright there you go, see you. And good luck,” Nicole says to us. She looks up and nods to Jay and Luke but pause at Mike. Her cheeks flush red and her eyes gets daze. She starts to shake her head as if she’s trying to clear it. She turns away and then drives away. Mike steps out from behind us and walks into the street after her car, watching Nicole drive away. “Fuck…..that didn’t just happen,” Mike says to himself. “Fuck yeah!” Jay, Luke, Michelle and myself say at the same time. “My heart is beating hard as fuck right now. Shit...I didn’t want this….and now….” Mike starts to pace in front of us. “Do you guys know Nicole?” I ask out loud. “Kind of, she’s older than the twins by like three years. I heard she was like the black sheep of the family,” Michelle says to me. “Heard she got into some trouble, force to move away. Guess she’s back now, and she’s picking a side,” Jay says. “Did anyone notice how fucking hot that was?” Luke asks us. “Yeah,” Michelle, Jay, and myself say together. I mean it was really hot...like holy crap. “I have to get to know her...fuck...maybe I shouldn’t,” Mike says to us...or more to himself. “Why not?” I ask him. “I’m fucking tainted,” Mike ...