Saving William
7/4/2024: William and I have been married for three years. William works with his father in a design business. We do well and live in a nice house with a white picket fence. Everything seemed to be going very well until one day my mother-in-law came over and was quite upset. She spoke to me very excitedly. I don't know how to say this. Say what Betty? Just tell me. Slowly she calmed herself down and read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byGKShadow515 -
Whispers of the Past Ch. 02
7/3/2024: Whispers of the Past Ch. 02 (This tale was written by a couple who reads erotica often but write rarely. The characters are inspired by real people although it is intended to be viewed as fiction. Some areas move slowly (because of him) and some move fast (because of her) and that's not intended to detract from the story, it's just an expression of who we are. The sex scenes have been acted out read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRobeth123 -
A Mother Returned Pt. 10
7/1/2024: All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading! * Five days post-breakup. "I'm worried about him, Winnie. He stays in his room all day. Barely talks. He hasn't even mustered the strength to call me a bad name since the breakup." Penelope hovered over the stove, keeping an eye on the oil temperature of her frying chicken. "It's been days. We don't even know what read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byrawlyrawls -
Go Ahead, Keep Going! Pt. 03
6/29/2024: Author's Note: All characters portrayed are consenting adults over the age of 18. This story is a slow burn for sure, but don't worry. We're on the train to Horny Town in all the best ways. Love ya. Don't forget to eat your vegetables. --------------------------- A Basket Full Of Eggs "Wake up!" I felt a sharp pang in my back. I jolted awake and found myself lying face down on my read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byUnironicSmutPeddler -
Elder Sis Fucks Younger Bro
6/28/2024: "Bro, what are you doing?" Sid opened his eyes and saw his elder sister Deepa. "Didi, I am sleeping. Why do you barge into my room like this?" "Come on. Get up. It is 8 am. I need a favour." "I am sleepy." "Wake up. It is an order from your didi. I am two years elder to you. Do as I say." "I am nineteen and you are twenty one. You should know how to behave with your younger read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byChootkaanashaa -
A Lost Daughter Ch. 24
6/27/2024: Everything had gone just as Sienna had anticipated. The day after she had revealed her pregnancy and we had gotten 'married' we drove over to Julia and Ben's house to share the news. The story was that she had met a boy at the library who had invited her to a party that she had snuck out to attend. That night she had drank too much and slept with him without protection and ended up pregnant. We read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byGUIWriter577 -
Not a Normal Monday Afternoon Pt. 01
6/26/2024: It was shaping up to be just another Monday. That was until 2:33pm I got an alert from my iWatch that my security camera motion sensors had been activated. I am a divorced man who does not trust big banks I have my money and values in things I trust like bullet proof fireproof safes. But I am a practical man I am in my early fifties, and I have my twin daughters at home, so you have to have read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byafan117 -
My Sister's Keeper Pt. 04
6/23/2024: This series follows "Slave Management 101". Katherine is finally brought in as a primary character. Much of the rest of the story will focus on Katherine and her transformation from bitch into her brother's slave. She will be an integral part throughout the rest of the story. As always I enjoy and appreciate your polite feedback, good, bad, or indifferent. Thank you so much for taking the time read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bytlanuwa1963 -
And I Belonged to Them! Ch. 01
6/22/2024: And I belonged to them! Chapter 1 She saw us, we saw her, our eyes connected, and we knew we belonged together. This wasn't how it was meant to play out. I've always thought of myself as a sharp tongued, tough, and resilient woman in all stages of my life except sexually. I've had quite a reasonable number of sexual partners, but none ever felt good enough. I've always felt sexually read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byYPOL -
Dawning of a New World Ch. 05
6/16/2024: Chapter 5 I heard the back door close and turned back to the television, the pharaoh was now fucking one of the serving wenches from behind while the boy was now fucking him, "That looks confusing." I thought, "But fun." I watched the entire film while my grandparents were out feeding the animals, I had cum once more, I turned everything off and then cleaned up in the washroom. I slipped read Sex Story
Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byBisexual_4_all_pleasures