1. New Life in Rianate 6

    1/11/2016: I woke up early. So early that I had 45 minutes before my alarm went off. Tao was lying on her side, with her blue fringe toward me. Happy birthday to me, Eris . I sprang out of bed then ran to the bathroom for a shower. There wasn’t a word to describe how I felt right then; I was beyond cloud nine, I was on cloud twenty or something. Turning 18 meant I was closer to being Mio, and that meant I read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Romance School Written by women Author: Lustful11
  2. Outlines - Chapter 1: The Matthew Effect

    1/6/2016: Chapter One The Matthew Effect "For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from his that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." ---Matthew 25:29 One warm, spring day in May of 2007, the Medicine Hat Tigers and Vancouver Giants met for the Memorial Cup hockey championships in Vancouver, British Colombia. The Giants and the tigers were the two finest read Sex Story
    Categories: True Story Group Sex Male/Teen Female Prostitution, Author: Abbeyisagenious
  3. New Life in Rianate 1

    1/5/2016: Hello. This is my first story, I don't know how many people will enjoy it. Before you get to reading, just know that I didn't put the story under FANTASY because I didn't feel it would be a big part to change the tags. The series will be fantasy, but not a strong, super, duper, over, extra fantasy (what the fuck). The first part has no sexual activity, just buildup and characterization. If you're read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Romance School Teen Male/Teen Female Written by women Author: Lustful11
  4. Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 - Rochelle's Tryout

    1/5/2016: ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity, but I have read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Male/Teen Female Prostitution, Teen Young Author: DaSpark
  5. Morgan's Mounds 2 - Menage a Trois

    1/2/2016: Needless to say when I went back to my room that night, I decided to hop in the shower, and wash the smell of sex off of me so I didn't deposit in the bed where my wife might catch on to something. I had stopped by the kitchen and grabbed a liter water bottle and drained it and grabbed a gatorade to take with me. I made the shower nice and hot and chugged my gatorade, replaying the events of the read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Male / Female Teens, Male/Teen Female Teen Virginity Young Author: DaSpark
  6. Ruby's Encounter

    1/2/2016: Warning: This story contains vore, which may be displeasurable to some readers. This is my first story. Feedback appreciated. Thanks for reading! Ruby walked through a dank cave, illuminating her way with her cell phone. It wasn't much use for anything else in the wilderness. After wandering for days, she'd finally decided to venture deeper into the cave that had been her shelter. Her nearly-new read Sex Story
    Categories: Dark Fantasy Bestiality, Blowjob Body modification, Cannibalism, Coercion Consensual Sex Cruelty Cum Swallowing Death, Domination/submission First Time Male/Teen Female Monster, Murder, Snuff, Virginity Young Author: darissen
  7. Unwanted attention - Chapter 1

    1/1/2016: Chapter 1 My name is Jasmine and this is my story….. I always considered myself to be just a regular girl. I have a brother, James, who is two years younger than me and the sweetest kid you could ever meet. When I was little I liked to ride my bike, play with dolls and with the other kids in the neighborhood just like everyone else. They say that girls mature sooner than boys but for me that just read Sex Story
    Categories: True Story Bondage and restriction First Time Hardcore Humiliation Male Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex Rape Reluctance Spanking, Teen Young Author: young_Jasmine
  8. Hell of a Wake Up Call

    12/31/2015: Jesus, what a fucking year, Matt thought to himself as he looked around his new digs. Life had seemed serene for a long time. He felt happy, his wife seemed happy, and they wanted a family. His wife, who he only referred to these days as "that cunt", had been ready for a family and was ready to quit her job and they would live off Matt's salary. He worked as a QA for a pharmaceutical firm, and was read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cum Swallowing First Time Male/Teen Female Author: DaSpark
  9. Hunter Naked in School 4

    12/30/2015: Thursday August, 25, 2005 Instead, it got a lot worse. Or at least it did for Dr. Martin, who I walked down stairs to find on our TV screen, explaining to a phalanx of reporters that school was canceled due to the hordes of protesters blocking every road within a six block radius of the school. Mom looked up at me: "Since we don't need to rush out the door, I thought we'd have a nice, leisurely read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Masturbation Oral Sex Teen Male / Teen Male, Teen Male/Teen Female Author: jamesbreitbart
  10. Extra Credit 4 - Breaking Isabella In

    12/29/2015: It was the most excruciating drive of my life. It was evening, so that helped, at least she was mostly in shadow, keeping the fire in my loins from heating up too far. Of course I still spent the entire 22 minute drive with my modest sized penis trying to tear a hole in my slacks. I think that is natural considering I knew sitting next to me was literally God's gift to sex, despite never having read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction First Time Male/Teen Female Virginity Young Author: DaSpark