New Life in Rianate 1
Date: 1/5/2016,
Teen Male/Teen Female
Written by women
Author: Lustful11
Hello. This is my first story, I don't know how many people will enjoy it. Before you get to reading, just know that I didn't put the story under FANTASY because I didn't feel it would be a big part to change the tags. The series will be fantasy, but not a strong, super, duper, over, extra fantasy (what the fuck). The first part has no sexual activity, just buildup and characterization. If you're looking for a series that just revolves around sex, THIS IS NOT THE PLACE. Now, you may read, criticism is highly recommended because I want to satisfy you all and you know what you want. Sorry for rambling, enjoy. ==== 15 years ago “Noooooooo!” The little girl screamed for her mother as her throat was slit in front of her young eyes. Her father was no where to be found but she knew. She knew that he could feel it. Feel his heart being shattered into a million little pieces. Her mother fell to her knees and collapsed on the ground. The men carried her frail body away and disappeared into the foggy night. Mom…… ==== I had my headphones jammed in while I finished my homework. Nothing in this world would make me as happy as a nap right now. Finished, done. My textbook was soon forgotten about as I stripped down for a nap. Damn, I deserved it, too. Fifteen minutes into my nap, my father called my name from downstairs. “Ughhhh,” I groaned. I hopped out of bed then stomped downstairs. Dad kissed my forehead and patted my shoulder. “How ya doin, kiddo?” I tightened my jaw and blew a ...
... strand of dark blonde hair out of my eye. Dad nodded his head and turned around to the front foyer. I followed then ran to the kitchen for some brown pop. “Dad? Guess what?” “What?” Dad replied. “You woke me up from a well-needed nap, then I find there’s no more brown pop?! C’mon,” I cried. I wiped a fake tear from my cheek. “Eris, there’s more in the pantry.” “Kay!” I ran to the back pantry, grabbed my pop and some Goldfish then headed back upstairs. Dad was laughing to himself as he walked around the kitchen. Eh. I decided I needed some fresh air so I threw my jeans back on. My nikes were downstairs so I grabbed my hoodie and ran down. Dad was already outside so I didn’t worry about that. That’s the thing: Dad loved being outside. When I say love, I mean he would die if he didn’t have some time in the great outdoors. Same here. Hell, mom was the same. Mom. My mother “died” when I was two and I barely got to know her. When I say “died” I mean I know that two sick bastards killed her. Dad didn’t find out until I was 8 that I saw the whole thing. Shit, he wasn’t even there! My mind swarmed with thoughts of he and my mother. I mean, how many people see their mom get murdered right before their eyes? Keep it to themselves for 15 years? Hmm. The path in the trees behind our house sloped down to a cliff. Make a right, remember that if you don’t wanna fall to your death. I made the right and walked deeper into the woods. My phone buzzed with text messages from Chelsea. Chelsea was the ...