Cruise ship slave girl.
9/21/2016: I work on a cruse ship as a security guard. It’s my job to check people’s tickets, stop underage people getting into the bars, that kind of thing. I’m standing at the end of the dock, checking people’s tickets before they get on the ship. Countless people walk up to me, hand me the ticket, watch me scan the barcode then hand them back their ticket. During the hour it took to check everyone’s read Sex Story
Categories: Dark Fantasy Anal Authoritarian, BDSM Black, Blackmail, Blowjob Bondage and restriction Cruelty Discipline, Extreme, Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Sado-Masochism, Spanking, Torture, Violence Author: Flesh of the Fallen Angel -
Filch takes Hermione
9/17/2016: Hermione walked down the corridor with a smile on her face as she had just aced the recent Defense of the Dark Arts exam. Everyone else was still writing their papers and the corridor was empty. Or was it? Behind her Argus Filch was following closely and carefully trying not to make a sound. He had been following her for over a week now waiting for the perfect opportunity. That opportunity came read Sex Story
Categories: Dark Fantasy Anal Blackmail, Cruelty Domination/submission Drug, First Time Humiliation Masturbation Non-consensual sex Older Male / Female, Rape School Spanking, Author: Unknow user -
Shower Incident
9/12/2016: "Fuck! I've gotta leave to work, they called me in! Ugh, today was supposed to be my day off," Liz complains as she throws her work clothes on. I laugh at her miserable expression and throw a pillow at her. "Stop complaining. Work is work, you need the money anyways," I say to her. "But we were supposed to have a bum day!" "Oh well, maybe next time," I say, rolling over to my stomach on her bed read Sex Story
Categories: Fantastic, Anal Erotica Humiliation Reluctance Author: Unknow user -
The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 20) - Collar And Cunt
9/10/2016: Chapter 20 COLLAR AND CUNT It was hard for Laura to concentrate the rest of the day. She was paranoid knowing there was a large glossy photo of her twat in her desk drawer. She had tried to bury it under other paper but the stiff laminate made it stand out. Anyone casually opening her drawer to look for a pen or some Post-Its might see it. She was even less eager to leave it there overnight but read Sex Story
Categories: Dark Fantasy Authoritarian, Domination/submission Humiliation Lesbian Male/Female Mind Control, Sado-Masochism, Water Sports/Pissing, Author: All These Roadworks -
Shredder Part 1
9/8/2016: Eddie heard Christine’s screams fill the basement like a chorus of banshees over the howling roar of the big chainsaw, her wild-eyed, terror-driven fear through the blue haze of smoke that poured from the saw. The chain sprayed oil on her bare abdomen, between her bare breasts, up her neck, into her open, screaming mouth and eyes. Her terror was palpable, alive; it coursed through Eddie like a read Sex Story
Categories: Dark Fantasy Anal Blowjob Bondage and restriction Cannibalism, Cock & ball torture, Cruelty Death, Drug, Humiliation Mind Control, Non-consensual sex Oral Sex Rape Slavery, Snuff, Torture, Water Sports/Pissing, Author: PJ Wolfwalker -
The Camp Slut- Night 5
9/7/2016: Author's Note: For those who have been following The Camp Slut storyline, this final installment may be a disappointment. It is not like the rest, as it wraps up the story. It does, however, open up a number of other threads for me to follow up on when the mood hits me. I hope you have enjoyed the tale. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or read Sex Story
Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Humiliation Romance Author: Nightside -
The Aftermath part 3 - Being a Spectator
9/7/2016: It’s just after 5pm and Marie is clocking out for the day. She can hear cheers across the room as it sounds like another successful day for the stock brokers. As Marie is packing up to head home, Jerry peaks his head around the corner. “Heading out Marie?” “Yea, just about to head home. Need anything?” As soon as Marie gets the words out of her mouth, she regrets saying them. “Not really, I was read Sex Story
Categories: Dark Fantasy Female Domination, Female/Female Humiliation Non-consensual sex Rape Author: yoursyn -
The Bondage Club VI
9/5/2016: Amanda forced the girls to crawl on their knees back across the club leashed behind her all the way back to her private dungeon room. Once there, she forced Kendall to kneel on one side of the room against a pole where the back of her collar was locked to the pole keeping her in place. On the other side of the room she rebound Kim. First she removed her shoes and stockings and placed leather cuffs read Sex Story
Categories: Dark Fantasy BDSM Cruelty Cum Swallowing Extreme, Female Domination, Humiliation Incest Lesbian Non-consensual sex Slavery, Author: pablopepperoni -
The Theatre
8/28/2016: My name is Eddie, to you, anyway. I have lived a life of interest, and have always had a passion for writing. I am six foot one and white, with a messy haircut. I have always preferred wearing flat-toe cowboy boots, tight-ish jeans, a band shirt, and a leather jacket. I suppose you could say I'm handsome enough, most girls say at least an eight, with my square jaw and "gorgeous" eyes. The names in read Sex Story
Categories: True Story Consensual Sex Exhibitionism First Time Humiliation Male/Female Toys, Author: Eddie Riggs -
13 months
8/28/2016: 13 Months…it was thirteen months in captivity, now finally in the sanctity of my permanent home. We have lost one in our family; do not know if he is still alive…hope so. But we have also added three more to our family. Thirteen months ago, my husband, our two children, and myself were two months into what we perceived as a humanitarian mission. The mission precipitated by an unexpected windfall read Sex Story
Categories: Dark Fantasy Authoritarian, Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Humiliation Incest Pregnant, Stockholm Syndrome, Written by women Author: iamscrwd