The Camp Slut- Night 5
Date: 9/7/2016,
Author: Nightside
Author's Note: For those who have been following The Camp Slut storyline, this final installment may be a disappointment. It is not like the rest, as it wraps up the story. It does, however, open up a number of other threads for me to follow up on when the mood hits me. I hope you have enjoyed the tale. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events are coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle. Night 5 I woke up alone, cold, horny, and grumpy. The last was the only state out of the ordinary. At least I could hear conversation and activity outside, and smell coffee. I stepped out of my tent to see Andy and Bitch tearing down his tent. Tim and Steve had their tents down, too, and were packing up Tim’s truck. I stood there confused, watching the chaos and trying to get my brain processing enough to figure out what the hell was going on. Slut came up to me, knelt, and presented a cup of coffee. I took a sip, closing my eyes as the warm liquid slid down my throat. When I opened my eyes, things started making sense. A fully dressed Andy turned around and saw me. “Hey, Dave. Sorry, pal, but Dana and I need to get back. We only had a couple days off, and there are a lot of things we need to talk about before we go back to work tomorrow.” Bitch- wait, he’d called her Dana again- Dana came over and gave me a big hug, pulling my face down to add a passionate kiss. “Thank-you, ...
... Sir,” she whispered. “You’ve given me a gift I don’t know how to repay. I gave Slut my number to put in your phone. Give us a call when you’re in the area.” She hugged me again and went to finish loading the last of their gear. Andy came over and shook my hand, thanked me, and said his goodbyes. He scruffed Slut’s hair as he walked away, smiling. Barker jumped up into the truck, and Andy drove off with a naked and still collared Dana. I went to sit down. Slut followed and clipped her leash to my chair. Mike was helping the other two load the last of their things when he noticed me. He grabbed his chair and took a seat beside me. “Tim got a call early this morning about an emergency patch for a project we are working on,” Mike explained. “He said he could handle it, so I can catch a ride back with you. One of Steve’s major clients is having a meltdown, too, so he’s heading back.” I nodded, petting Slut idly as I sipped my coffee. Tim and Steve waved as they hopped into the truck and drove off. I looked around, thinking the camp seemed suddenly quiet and empty. My mood was not improving. “So guys’ trip was a bust this year, I guess,” I grumbled. “Dude, are you fucking kidding? This has been the best year yet,” Mike exclaimed. “Tim is already planning next year’s and says he’ll be trolling to find us each a girl. I might see if Betsy wants in on the action, too.” He blushed, “though that may bring up some other issues.” I nodded. “Slut, since it looks like we’re closing the week ...