The Camp Slut- Night 5
Date: 9/7/2016,
Author: Nightside
... early, if you want, we can call and get you picked up.” I got a tightness in my chest when I said that. She turned and looked at me, and I could see hurt behind her eyes. “You, um, don’t want me to stay, um, Master?” I pulled her up into my lap, my thumbs brushing away tears that weren’t there. “Gail, I don’t ever want to let you go. Ever. But I promised to let your friends pick you up when our trip was over.” She lowered her head to my shoulder, whispering, “yes, Master. I will call.” She got up and retrieved my phone, making the call. She stood there, her back to me, arm wrapped against her body. “Hi. Yes, well, kinda’. Everyone had to leave early, so he wants to-“ She turned to look at me, her brow creased. “Yes. Just a moment.” She walked over to me looking confused, holding the phone out to me. “He wants to talk to you.” I took the phone, equally confused. “He?” She nodded. “Hello?” A deep voice answered. “Hello, David. I am Arnold Jeffries. Is there a problem with my daughter’s conduct?” I looked up at Slut, my eyes wide, and mouthed, “Your father?” She nodded and shrugged. “David?” “Yes, sir. Um. No, sir. Slu… er… Gail has been wonderful. But I promised her and… the woman I spoke to the first day that I would arrange for her to be picked up when our trip was over.” “I see. And you wish to end your contact now.” “No, sir. I was actually hoping to make arrangements to see Gail on a regular basis, court her officially.” I could see a smile tug at her lips. “I see. I ...
... think it would be better to have this discussion in person. If I recall, it took approximately two hours for us to drive her out to your area. I should think we can expect you here by three this afternoon, then.” I blinked, looking up at Slut. “Um. Sure. Three o’clock should be fine, I guess.” “Am I to assume that Michael is still with you?” What the fuck? I turned to look at Mike. “Yes, he is.” “Good. It has been a while since we have seen him. We look forward to meeting you, David. Goodbye.” The call ended. I set the phone down on my lap, still looking at Mike. “Start breaking camp, Slut. We are going to meet your parents.” She jumped and giggled, clapping, then started scurrying around. Mike started getting to his feet. I snapped my fingers and pointed at the ground in front of me. “Not you.” Mike froze, looking rather frightened before kneeling. “Lucy, you got some ‘splaining to do. First, how the fuck does Gail’s father know you, or that you are here. Second, what does he mean that they ‘haven’t seen you in a while’?” Mike blanched. Slut started moving faster, staying very quiet. “Well, you see. Betsy is their eldest.” I looked back and forth between Mike and Gail. “So Gail is your sister-in-law.” Mike nodded. “And neither of you decided to mention this little fact?” I was not sure if I felt more betrayed or angry at that point. Either way, my grumpy was starting to boil over to pissed off. Slut had the sense to look embarrassed as she ducked into our tent. Mike stuttered, ...