1. Kay's Beach Adventure

    Date: 9/20/2015, Categories: Fantasy Author: kilwaughter13, Source: sexstories.com

    ... humiliated She was now scarred “Shitless” realising that she was helpless and totally at the mercy of this group of strangers ! “W..W…What are you going to …do to me….?” She pleaded. “Well….Son…..the Meat wants to know what you are going to do with her ?” Mr Hill laughed wickedly As he pondered, the boy looked like all his Christmases had come at once. He listened intently to the noisy crowd voicing their own lewd suggestions…. Then a huge smile flashed across his spotty face “Can I have her…..”Spit roasted “…….alive ?” He asked . A huge cheer of approval went up from the crowd. On the table , below the mass of restraining hands……Kay …heard the words SPIT …….ROASTED…….. ALIVE She could not believe this was happening.to her… This was surreal…a nightmare ! Surely they wouldn’t dare “Snuff her “ in such a painful and inhuman way…..Just for the perverted pleasure of a teenage kid ?” “Noooooooo Please….Not that ! “ She wailed … Suddenly remembering a “Live Girl Roast” she attended with an old boyfriend They had witnessed the hours of sexual abuse the GIRL had endured from the crowd…. Her boyfriend called it “ tenderising” . The sex releasing oestrogen into her system ….. She had even felt mildly envious and strangely aroused as she had watched the poor girl’s pussy being slowly IMPALED on a huge , eight foot long metal SPIT. ..The boyfriend explained that doing that to a live girl released adrenaline into her meat improving the flavour …. Then …, finally she had been amazed to see ...
    ... the GIRL MEAT …fucking herself to a final orgasm as she rode her spit, over the fire. The flames licking her naked flesh. ! Although Kay was grateful it was not her “Riding the Spit”…Later, she secretly had fantasies about the Spit Roasting when she frigged her self off. “Stop complaining “ agent Fergusson commanded “We are going to treat you …..and your dinner guests …to the “ultimate” sensual experience !” Kay was now furious and crying tears of complete frustration….she was being treated like an animal…….with no choice . As she tried in vain to think of a way out of this…..she felt it….someone was touching her sex……a large hot rubbery object was “Probing “ at her slit… trying to force an entry into her body. She tried to wriggle her arse to avoid the intrusion, but the crowd restrained her. She looked back over her shoulder….it was the boy. He had his prick in his hand guiding it towards her exposed cunt. ……With a huge cheer from the crowd the boy forced the purple slimy dome up into her pussy. …… Kay was then subjected to the humiliation of being FUCKED in PUBLIC. Roger mercilessly pounded his seven inch cock in and out of her sex accompanied by the raucous shouts of encouragement from the party guests. Then someone pushed another penis into her face… “Here bitch…..Suck on this! “ a male voice demanded. Kay had no choice….what could she do ? If she complied ..there still might be a chance of escape……reluctantly she parted her lips and allowed the man’s cock into her warm ...