1. Kay's Beach Adventure

    Date: 9/20/2015, Categories: Fantasy Author: kilwaughter13, Source: sexstories.com

    ... she decided to go home. She packed up her clothes and towel into her beach bag and decided to leave her bikini on for the walk back to her car. As she neared the end of the beach, there was a group of about 30 people having a party at a BBQ area. When she drew close… a large thick set man and a middle aged woman broke away from the party and approached her. “Good afternoon…madam…. I’m agent HILL and this is my associate, agent FERGUSSON…. We are from the Alternative Meat Bureau “ The man pulled a wallet from his pocket and flashed a shinny badge in her face…..Kay like all young women was used to being stopped and asked for her ID…. Since the nationwide introduction of a “FEMME MEAT “ policy.. in late 2014 all young girls were groomed and conditioned to surrender their bodies for human consumption. when their number came up in a weekly national lottery. Not ALL girls were , however, happy about being “Harvested for meat ” and many tried to escape. “Errrrrr How can I help you..? Kay stuttered nervously. “Can I see your ID ? “ Mr Hill asked politely. Kay rummaged in her bag and produced her ID card and handed it to him. Mr Hill then entered her details onto his phone and sent them as a text. Kay stood trembling slightly while they waited for the results. The phone rang and Mr Hill read out the results. Miss Kay Kinnard…... 6 Alcantara Crescent, Chapel. Southampton Age Twenty Four GRADE A.A.A…………..NO EXEMPTIONS . Kay felt a wave of relief wash over her….You never knew with ...
    ... modern technology….mistakes did happen ? Then she noticed her “Lame Brain” young voyeur , from earlier, had quietly joined them. “Is this the “MEAT GIRL”….you were telling us about ?” Mr Hill asked the boy. “Sure is…….DAD…!” he grinned evilly. Kay’s heart sank…..and she felt physically sick. “Well Miss Kinnard…It’s my boy, Roger’s Birthday BBQ……and he wants you to join us…… as his ….“Special Treat “ “W…W…What…do…you….mean ?” Kay stammered . “Under article 425…..Section 23 A of the Alternative Meat Code…..I’m hereby requisitioning you .” Kay was dumbstruck and shocked to the core . She had heard rumours that the A.M.B . and Meat Processing Factories had the power… “In Special Cases” to harvest any girl they needed, on the spot. …But she wasn’t expecting this ! Behind her, she felt agent Fergusson grabbing and securing her wrists together …Kay started to panic and protested. “ You can’t be seriousssss …?..she moaned ”Sorry darlin……” Mr Hill laughed “We need a “MEAT GIRL” for the BBQ and Roger …..has taken a real fancy to you “ “But that’s not fair !“ She wailed as she struggled against her bonds. “ Life isn’t fair for you…..”Meat Girls” agent Fergusson laughed cruelly. Kay continued to protest as she was physically dragged toward the party. “Please …someone help me !” she begged as several people grabbed her and forced her, face down ,onto the BBQ table…..Seconds later the crowd had ripped both pieces of her bikini from her body , leaving her completely nude , vulnerable and very. ...