1. Amazon Adventure

    Date: 9/24/2016, Categories: True Story Boys/Teen Female, Oral Sex Author: casio1933

    ... pussy were clearly discernible in the bright moonlight, as were the tears streaming down her beautiful face. The night was sultry hot, strange noises and scurrying sounds could be heard in the undergrowth alongside the narrow road. Doug knew big cats prowled the jungle and he hasten his steps. Mosquitoes swarmed about his head biting with sharp stinging bites. They attacked his face, hands and exposed wrists. Stopping for a moment, Doug removed his neckerchief and unrolled it. He turned the brim down on his white hat and pulled it low on his head. He turned the jumper flap up on his jumper and tucked it under his hat in back before securing it in place with the unfurled neckerchief. He wrapped the remainder of the neckerchief around his head covering his face except for a slit between the rim of his hat and the neckerchief. Thus protected, only a small area around his eyes, his hands and wrists were exposed to the mosquito attack. The four mile trek through the jungle was an arduous journey, potholes pocketed the dirt road and so wrapped was his head, Doug would often blunder into one and sometimes fall. Eight bells sounded as he stumbled across the gangplank. The next morning Doug awoke to a face swollen from the mosquito bites. His hands and wrists looked like they had broken out in a rash. The ships "doctor" (a Chief Petty ...
    ... Officer Hospital Corpsman) treated him with calamine lotion. Before breakfast that morning Doug was talking with one of his Buddies - he told Doug that after he and the girl left the bar he got to talking with one of the guys in the bar who worked on one of the nearby American owned coffee plantations and who spoke pretty good English, He narrated to Doug what the local guy had told him about the girl. "She was now eighteen years old and the only child of the couple who owned the bar. Her parents had been ambushed and killed by bandits two years before on the jungle road as they were returning from a trip to the city. Her uncle had more or less looked after her and her interests in the bar since her parent's death." At breakfast, his buddies teased him about the "hot piece of ass" he had left the bar with. "Bet that was one hot piece of Ass" one chided. "She must have fucked your brains out for you to get back so late." Said another Doug just grinned, "Damm I wish that was the case, we went out, drank beer, made out a little and got drunk. We fell asleep and didn't wake up until almost ten o'clock. All I got was a little tongue and most likely a case of malaria from the God Damm mosquitoes. Sometimes in his dreams he still sees the wild lovely creature as he last saw her - standing nude in the bright moonlight of a Columbian jungle night. 