1. Amazon Adventure

    Date: 9/24/2016, Categories: True Story Boys/Teen Female, Oral Sex Author: casio1933

    ... experience consisted of straight missionary style intercourse). Gently slipping his tongue between her soft lips, he recognized a faint taste of the beer they had been drinking. With his tongue he teased hers into his mouth where he gently sucked while letting his fingernails trail lightly to her magnificent breasts. With the palm of his hand, he gently massaged only the nipples - she shuttered and they became as hard and as hot as stones left in the sun. Somewhat reluctantly. he moved his mouth away from hers and traced a wet gentle path with his tongue along her chin line to her neck and up to her ear. After lightly breathing into her ear, he let his tongue gently probe while continuing to massage her breasts and lightly ran his fingernails over her hard flat stomach. Retracing the path from her ear to her mouth, Doug again enjoyed probing that hot orifice with his tongue while she eagerly sucked it deep into her throat. Leaving that lovely mouth, he trailed his tongue over her chin and down her neck to those marvelous breasts. Exhilarating in the taste of her perspiration he took the hard nipples one at a time, suckling them into his mouth, rotating his tongue around them and very lightly nibbling on them. Her aureoles puckered and became pebbly hard as her breathing became heavier. While continuing to suckle and nibble on her breasts, he ran close-cropped fingernails lightly over her stomach down to the area of her mons pubis. Taking both lips of the labia between his ...
    ... thumb and index finger, he gently squeezed them together and began to massage her clitoris now captured between. In a few moments she thrust sharply against his hand, shuttering, she clasp his hand in a vice like grip between her powerful legs and held him, shuttering in the aftermath of her orgasm - the first of many to come. As her trembling subsided, she looked at him with a quizzical eye - Doug was sure she had masturbated before, but it was apparent no other person had ever brought her to climax in that manner. He felt he was in the presence of a smoldering volcano, just waiting to be awakened. He was eager to pursue with vigor her introduction to new heights of sexual awareness. Lowering his mouth to hers, he gently probed the sweetness of her mouth with his tongue while again letting his hands and fingernails wander randomly over her lush body. Soon he departed the sweet orifice and again began to lick her chin, tracing paths across her face to her neck and lower. Briefly he sucked the magnificent nipples standing firm from the pebbly aureoles. The girl was breathing somewhat harder as his hot tongue traced a wet path down her body to the soft curls of the puffy lips of her vaginal opening. As before he lay the flat of his hand on her prominent mound and massaged the hard nubbin of her clitoris within. Extending his index finger, he gently probed between the soft purplish lips of her opening as his tongue began a probing journey of it's own, the girl gave a sharp gasp and ...