Court Record Chapter Six
Date: 9/9/2016,
True Story
Male / Female Teens,
Written by women
Author: Barbiebnympho
... stuttered, “Sheriff Do you want to come up on my porch? Glider is comfortable.” The sheriff nodded and together they turned and moved up toward the porch. Once seated and after a cup of coffee had been turned down, Henry got right to the subject, “Clem I don’t want to beat around the bush. I like you, and I like what you have done with Apple Valley. And, Clem you know I feel a pride in what you have accomplished as a former inmate. You have worked hard, kept your nose clean and I am proud of you. Thus when I hear something, even a rumor that things in your life are not as they should be; I want to do something about it. And, if I find something wrong, I want to step on it quickly.” The gathering darkness made his features even more serious as he turned directly toward Clem, “Clem, I have been told you have a young woman staying out here with you. Frankly, if you do, it is none of my business or the counties business if everything checks out proper and she isn’t some runaway or something. Rumor true, Clem? Do you have a young girl out here? If so...who is she? Is everything above board?” Clem sat stunned. Words failed him as they had when he was unable to testify on his own behalf in court so many years ago. He had choked. He moved to get up to walk a step or two, to think But as he stood up he heard the screen door slam behind him. It was Sarah. She looked so different. Her hair was up on her head and covered with the red bandana. She was wearing a sloppy dark shirt, (He ...
... later learned it was his. She had just grabbed it from the closet and tucked it all in the back to make it look like it fit her. It showed nothing.) And loose fitting jeans she had packed for night events at camp. In the dark she looked like she could be any age. “Hello.” Sarah offered in a calm voice as she sat down on the rattan chair just outside the door facing the couch. “I’m Sarah, Mr. Warren’s niece from New York. I was in there reading. You startled me. There has not been one car come down that road after dark since I got here last week. I keep telling Uncle Clem he needs more company out her, day or night. This place can give you the creeps. Who are you?” She asked in her forthright fashion, The Sheriff hesitated just a bit, a little overwhelmed. “Hi, I am Henry Jacks, a friend of your uncle. I came out to check on a couple things. It is nice to meet you young lady. How long have you been visiting here? Sarah looked at him with one of her smiles and then turned, “Uncle Clem, why is it everyone thinks it is weird for me to be out here working in the orchards. Why is it that everyone including you wants to get rid of me? Remember I didn’t volunteer to come to this apple farm and work my butt off. Mom and dad sent me out to this forsaken place so they could have their big trip out of the country. They told me right up front it was going to be hard work. You kept telling them it was just not the place for me, and I would just get in the way. And everyone I have met since I ...