1. Court Record Chapter Six

    Date: 9/9/2016, Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... of life in that family, with isolation and the condemnation of anyone who ever learned she had lived with him. For Clem, his punishment would be determined by the law. They dressed and started walking back to the orchard where the trimming rack, and endless trees needing trimming, waited. Clem loved his trees. He loved everything about the apple business. He anxiously waited for the fall and the arrival of professional pickers. His business was good now. He owned all this land and all his money problems were gone for sure. He even enjoyed trimming trees, he thought they looked so neat and healthy when he had finished. It was hard work, but he had built a life that he really enjoyed, and one that really suited him. But, there was no way a young attractive woman like Sarah was going to enjoy the same thing in the long haul. This was hard work and a rather mundane boring life style. As soon as the novelty of living in the country wore off it would become hard work and nothing more. There was little out here for a young woman. He had to keep the reality of the situation in mind. Sooner or later he was going to be in for a real let down. He had to get rid of her now. The afternoon moved along. One tree after another got its annual haircut. Sarah did her part with a seeming joy. The clippings all got loaded soon after they hit the ground and every time, without exception, when Clem looked down from the rack Sarah was smiling up at him. It was a look he had come to know, to ...
    ... understand, and to love so very much. He worked with vigor. No two people had ever formed a better apple tree trimming crew. These days with the summer sun and the activity had a wonderful affect on Sarah. Her hair had turned lighter, and was now accented with golden highlights. Her skin had tanned not brown, but golden as well. Her arm and leg muscles showed newly accentuated tone, from her activities. There was no question; Apple Valley Orchards had been a good thing for Sarah. Something about loving her as he did made this hero complex well up inside him. It is a man thing for sure; sort of the Man of LaMancha thing. He had his way of fighting windmills; in his case he trimmed apple trees with renewed vigor. He had to impress her somehow. Late in the afternoon Clem turned the tractor home to the barn from the compost. It had been a good day. They had trimmed more trees than scheduled, even with the unexpected swim break at the pond. Once at the house, as was now the custom, they undressed together and headed for the bathroom. The shower felt good. They spent longer than normal in the warm water assuring that every inch was appropriately washed and rinsed. Dinner was appreciated as well. As was now the custom it was out on the picnic table. Sarah sat straddling the bench facing Clem as usual. She was wearing another of his T-shirts as usual. Their conversation was loving, gentle, and filled with the hidden mysteries of two people who love one another so much they have lost contact ...