1. Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 14

    Date: 9/5/2016, Categories: True Story Anal Black, Consensual Sex Cuckold, Cum Swallowing Exhibitionism Gay Group Sex Mind Control, Oral Sex Author: gregorthegrant

    ... against the wall. “Oh yes deeper Alex. Pound it into me.” Sandra moaned over and over again as I pressed my ear against the wall. Then she was only moaning again as if her mouth was full again. “I guess Alex and Troy are having a difficult time helping my wife cleaning up.” I said holding the uniform at arms length in front of me. “Wow this a great, the uniform is in good shape after all these years.” “That's because the uniform is contained in that air proof container. “Hold it up and have a good look.” As I held it up I started to slip. “Just lean against the wall so you don't fall.” Lenard said. “We don't want you falling or anything like that.” “Man your asshole is even full of that nasty dog stuff. I'll clean it out for you Sandra.” Alex moaned. “How are you doing up there Troy.” “This is hot. That's all I have to say.” Troy groaned. I thought I also heard Sandra moaning as if she still had something in her mouth. “Put the uniform back and I'll show you some of the old equipment the fire department used in the late eighteen hundreds.” Lenard said leading me across the room showing me a bunch of axes and other equipment behind glass. I could still hear the pounding from the other room even across the room. “Oh yes take it all. You know you can Sandra.” I heard Troy groaning. “I'm getting a good work out back here Troy.” Alex moaned as the far wall continued to vibrate as if someone was pounding on it. “Well I have to say this is hot.” Troy moaned. “I haven't had such a ...
    ... great time in a long time Alex.” “Over here Greg and look at this stuff. It's some pictures of fires that were in Vancouver's past.” George said leading me to the next wall with photos covering it. I looked at the different photos with George and Lenard. We were walking around a good ten to fifteen minutes before George said. “How about a beer, it's getting kind of stuffy in here.” “That sounds like a good idea.” I said sitting down on a stool against the wall where the uniforms were hanging. I could feel the wall shaking and Troy moaning loader than ever. “Oh yes, yes I'm close. I am so close.” “You're not the only one Troy.” I heard Alex moaning. Then I heard Sandra moaning but her mouth must have still been full. The guys must have given her something to eat while they were busy cleaning her up. They sure must have been doing a good job all the grunting and moaning they were doing. “Oh yes that does it Sandra. I did it.” Alex moaned. “So did I.” Troy said. “Thank you guys.” Sandra choked as if swallowing something. “That was good.” I took another sip of my beer sitting back resting after the tour of the police museum. “This is quite the museum guys.” I said. A few minutes past before the door opened from the washroom and out walked Alex and Troy in uniforms much like the ones they had been wearing when I first met them. How ever Sandra wasn't with them. “I'm sorry Greg but we didn't quite clean your wife totally I'm afraid we'll have to call in the reserves. Go ahead Lenard ...