1. Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 14

    Date: 9/5/2016, Categories: True Story Anal Black, Consensual Sex Cuckold, Cum Swallowing Exhibitionism Gay Group Sex Mind Control, Oral Sex Author: gregorthegrant

    Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 14 I put on my pants after taking a rag from Lenard and whipped my ass. Then I put on my shirt. Sandra was dressed when I looked up after buttoning my shirt. “Lets have a look at the museum guys.” Lenard said. “Sounds good to me.” I looked over at Sandra. “How does it sound to you after that drug inspection?” I asked. Sandra and I along with Alex, Troy, George and Lenard went inside the back door and walked up the flight of stairs to the second floor. We walked into a large room with old police uniforms and other old police items on the wall. To one end was a door. “I need to go to the ladies room and clean up. I am full of that doggy stuff.” Sandra said looking around the room. “I'll show you where it is Sandra.” Alex looked over at Sandra and smiled. “It's down this way. I can help you clean up and find you something to change into at the same time. Just follow me. Troy I'll need your help. This is going to be a big job. You don't mind us helping your wife get cleaned up. Do you Greg” Alex asked. Alex and Troy walked toward the door at the end of the room followed by Sandra close behind them. Alex's huge cock bobbed above his big low hanging balls. I believed Troys cock could have been an inch longer than Alex as his balls swung under his thick hard cock. They were still nude after Sandra accidentally ripped there uniform off him. He opened the door and pointed down the hall. “The ladies washroom is just around the corner, follow us ...
    ... Sandra.” Alex said as the door closed behind them. “There's also clean uniforms we can put on as well.” “Come with us George said as he went to the far door still nude because his uniform had been torn from him outside along with Lenard that were also nude. They went to different lockers and pulled out uniform pants and put them on and took me to the far end of the large room not far from the door leading to the washrooms. “You may find this interesting the old uniforms the police way back at the end of the seventeenth century.” I went to the wall and looked at the old uniform with the brass buttons. I could hear some kind of thumping coming from the wall. “Oh yes thanks Alex and Troy for offering to clean me.” I heard Sandra moaning. “Those dogs really pumped me hard to looking for drugs Alex, Troy. Dig into me Alex and get all that stuff out of me.” Then I couldn't hear here because she was moaning so load as if she had something in her mouth. “I am bitch, I mean Sandra. I'll dig in good and deep alright.” I heard Alex grunting. “So am I Sandra. I believe that stuff went directly to your poor stomach. It's a good thing I am cleaning you out from this end.” Troy moaned. “Did you want a better look at the uniform Greg?” George asked. “You can reach up open the class container and take it off the wall for a better look if you wish.” “Thank's George.” I answered reaching up to grab a hold of the coat hanger the uniform was hanging from. I swear I felt the wall banging as I leaned ...