1. Extramarital--Chapter 10

    Date: 9/2/2016, Categories: Mature Author: prairiedogg, Source: LushStories

    ... tried to meet you for lunch but your secretary said you were out with a client." "I had to set that story up, Jayne. I couldn't take a chance on you stopping by unannounced. I apologize for doing that, but we seemed to be on the verge of a breakthrough and I had to know if I could perform." "Well, were you able to perform?" "Yes, Jayne. You could say that I graduated with honors. I am ready and able to give you what you need in our bed once more." Jayne began to cry. "Robert, please forgive me of suspecting the worst. I know how much you love me and I just thought this day would never come. I love you dearly." "Jayne, I want you to know that even though I may be able to make love to you, I would like you to continue seeing Zach and Carol. I know that you have feelings for them but as long as you come home to me, you should also include them as well." "Robert, I don't know what to say. You are incredible." They didn't make love that night but they fell asleep in each others' arms. Things seemed to be finally going their way. On Wednesday morning the first of the e-invitations made their way to Carol. It was a little after 6 am and carol was swimming laps in the hotel pool. She had a one-piece competition Speedo swimsuit on. Her cell phone notification tone sounded and she went to the side of the pool to see who sent her mail this early. She opened it and read. "You are invited to a 'Come as You Are' party this Saturday night at the home of Michelle and Andy Johnson, 1127 ...
    ... Timberline Drive. The party will begin at 8 pm sharp. Sleeping over is encouraged, so you will need to bring a small bag containing a change of clothes and any personal hygiene items you desire. Directions to the party are included in the link below this mail. NOTE: In keeping with the theme of the party, you are expected to wear exactly what you are wearing as you read this e-mail. Please RSVP by replying to this e-mail. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday night." That's just great, Carol thought. At least she looked good in the Speedo. Across town, Jayne woke up early. She decided to give Robert a wake-up blow job to see how he responded. If he was up for it, maybe they could do a little fucking before he had to leave for work. She didn't take off his pajama bottoms, just loosened them a little as she found his cock and slipped it into her mouth. He twitched a bit as she began to suck on it. He was growing in her mouth and she was loving it. Just then his phone went off, signaling an e-mail. That woke him up and he had a startled look on his face. He withdrew and reached for his phone. As he checked his mail, he began to smile. Soon he was laughing out loud. "Jayne, I think I've just been invited to the Johnson's party Saturday night. I have to go wearing what I have on right now. I love you, baby, but I'm glad this came now rather than if we had gotten naked." They laughed together. There would be no morning sex, but Robert encouraged Jayne to keep her ...