1. Extramarital--Chapter 10

    Date: 9/2/2016, Categories: Mature Author: prairiedogg, Source: LushStories

    ... to get the final details on the party. She said that it take place on Saturday night, which gave everyone three days to prepare. She decided it would be a "come as you are" party, meaning that the guests would have to come to the party wearing whatever he or she was wearing when they received and read the e-mail invitation. Michelle explained that the invitations would be sent out late in the evening, hoping that the hour would lead to some interesting outfits, or even the lack of outfits. They went over the menu and beverages. Zach offered to help Michelle and Andy with the expenses and Michelle graciously accepted. The party would begin at 8pm sharp and the guests would be told ahead of time that staying over would definitely be encouraged. There would be four guests, consisting of Zach, Carol, Jayne and Robert. Michelle considered inviting a few others, but she didn't do it, because she wanted the six of them to interact. Besides, Andy was eager to get to know Carol and Jayne. After the details were finalized, Michelle asked Zach if he wanted to stay a while, but Zach begged off. The less he was with Michelle prior to the party would make it even more exciting for him during the party, where he hoped to hook up with Michelle and possibly Carol or Jayne at the same time. Michelle liked that idea and said that they had to make it happen. That night Robert was faced with a difficult task. He had to come clean to Jayne about his activities the last few days. Dinner was an ...
    ... exercise in silence. He decided that he would break the ice over coffee. He brought Jayne her coffee and sat down next to her. He swallowed hard and then began. "Jayne, I know you've been wondering about me the last few days. I understand that you are probably upset and that you have questions. I want you to know that I am here to answer anything you are concerned about. Anything. "Robert, what have you been up to? Does this involve Carol, because I saw the two of you whispering about something at Zach's breakfast party the other day? Just be honest with me, honey." "I promise to be honest, Jayne. Remember that threesome you, Carol and Zach had the other week, the one where I was able to masturbate? Well, Carol offered to help me find my way back to you sexually. She really loves you, Jayne, and she wanted me to be able to return to our bed. She has been mentoring me so that I'll be able to be the man you married." "So are you saying you've been fucking her? Robert, how could you do that to me?" "Jayne, I couldn't let you know because I was afraid that the pressure to please you would inhibit me. Remember that night I told you to start seeing other men? I did that out of love for you. Believe me when I tell you that I'm not in love with Carol. She offered to help because she could see that we needed to be able to make love again. It might sound crazy, but it was all done for you. And as for fucking Carol, it only happened one time, just this afternoon." "You mean at lunchtime? I ...