Bedding the Babysitter Ch 06
Date: 8/30/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Written by women
Author: jasmine walker
... Dixon, but we broke up last night," she revealed, seemingly opening the door for me the same way I had for her. "Oh," I replied, "how did that go over?" She smiled, clearly not heartbroken by the ending of the relationship. "He told me I was a cock-tease, a bitch and that I would regret dumping him." "You dumped him?" This time her hand went to mine and she revealed, "I have fallen for someone else." My face flushed again and I was briefly speechless. After a lingering silence where the silence spoke wonders, I asked, tentatively, even though every sign screamed yes, "Me?" "Yes, you, Jenny," she admitted, playfully slapping my shoulder. "I always questioned my sexuality, and the fact that I never remotely wanted to have sex with Dixon only enhanced my doubt of my true sexuality. Dixon and I never had intercourse. I gave him head a few times, but that was it and I can't say that was even remotely appealing.” After a pause she added, "Other than the odd fooling around with the girls in hotels at cheerleading competitions, I am rather inexperienced." "I was too, until very recently," I admitted, hoping to make her less insecure about her lack of experience. "Jenny, I like you, I mean I like-like you," she admitted nervously, putting her heart on her sleeve, her cheeks ruby red. I didn't hesitate when I repeated her words, "I like-like you too, Ashley." Her eyes lit up, her cautious smile broke wide open and ignoring the quickly filling theatre, she leaned in and kissed me. The ...
... kiss was soft and tender; cautious and sweet. It only lasted a few seconds, five maybe, before we broke it realizing the setting for such intimacy was not ideal. Our feelings now out in the open, we had a full movie to silently consider the repercussions of our declarations to each other. I assume Ashley pondered how her very Christian family would take the news, while my worries went in a completely opposite direction. Even though Karen already approved Ashley's and my relationship, I pondered how to deal with having two Mistresses and a girlfriend? Did I actually have a girlfriend? Just a couple of weeks ago I was a virgin and unsure of my sexuality and now I was very confident of who I was. The lights dimmed, the first of many trailers began and I suddenly was nervous to reach for popcorn. I wanted to just hold her hand, but even after our declarations and our kiss, I was nervous. After the first trailer, which I could tell you nothing about as my head ping-ponged inside over my insecurity and excitement, Ashley, sensing my anxiety asked, as she purposely dropped a couple of pieces of popcorn down her very nice cleavage, "Do you want some popcorn?" I blushed like I had so many times this past several months. "I would love some." I glanced around slyly, nervous of others seeing before I leaned over and retrieved the popcorn pieces that were lingering on the top of her small but well-showcased breasts. I returned to my upright position as Ashley pointed out, unbuttoning one, ...