Bedding the Babysitter Ch 06
Date: 8/30/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Written by women
Author: jasmine walker
... said, impressed, "you are both the hunter and the prey." I shrugged. "The question is which of those are you tonight?" Karen questioned. I reflected on the question. In every other sexual encounter it was clear that I was the submissive, other than my seduction of Miss Morgan, I suppose. But this was different. "I don't know." Karen's phone rang and it was her Mom. "I'm at Jenny's. What? I was? Fine, I am on my way." Karen hung up. "Apparently I was supposed to babysit my little brother ten minutes ago. I have to go. I guess I better go and untie your Mom." "Good call," I replied, shaking my head at the obvious absurdity of my Karen’s last sentence. She left and I in a tizzy over what to wear, how to act, and scared to deal with my Mom, decided to go to Megan, the person who started it all, for advice. I knocked on her door and was thankful when she answered. Her genuine smile told me she was happy to see me. "Well, hi Jenny. Max is going to freak out." A second later that prediction came true when Megan's son Max attacked my legs screaming, "Wenny," It took fifteen minutes of playing before he calmed down and I promised, "I will come back and play in a bit, but I need to talk to your Mommy, ok?" "Ok, Wenny," he agreed, watching some kid TV show I no longer was cool enough to recognize. Megan had poured iced tea for us and asked, "What is bothering you, Jenny?" “How do you know something is bothering me?” I asked. “Am I wrong?” she asked, her hand falling on my knee. I ...
... unloaded all the sordid details of my life, the good and the bad and the preposterous and my fear of how to deal with my Mom after what I witnessed and she learned about me and my upcoming date. Megan listened without interruption before responding. "Well, that is a lot for any eighteen-year-old to deal with. But I am more concerned about Susan." "My Mom? Why?" I asked. "Well, sure your Mom found out you are a lesbian, but she was just humiliated in front of her only daughter, who has since left the house without talking to her. I can only imagine how emotionally unstrung she must feel right now," Megan pointed out. "I am such a bad daughter." I sighed, tears beginning to form. "No, you are an amazing young lady who is finally coming to grips with who she is sexually. But you are lucky you found out when you were eighteen; Susan is just learning now. You followed your natural instinct when crisis or upheaval comes unexpectedly....fight or flight, and you chose flight." "I need to go," I acknowledged. "Yes you do. But remember she is probably very fragile right now. Although she is the adult, right now it is your turn to be there for her. Talk to her. Listen to her. Let her help you with our date," Megan instructed me, her maternal side flowing out of evidence of the sexy seductress she was. "Ok," I agreed, standing up, although still scared for the conversation I had to have. "Jenny, I am always here for you. I am a friend first, a Mistress second, although I wouldn't mind ...