1. Sophia's Revenge

    Date: 8/10/2016, Categories: Fiction BDSM Cuckold, Fisting, Males / Female, Prostitution, Reluctance Threesome Wife Author: abroadsword

    ... arched in shock as not only Maudie’s hand but her entire forearm disappeared into Sophia’s peach. “Ohhh, no desist, desist!” Sophia exclaimed. “We have a winner!” Bogue cried. “Not so fast, stand aside girl,” I ordered as with breeches cast aside I threw my shirt upon a chair and went to mount Sophia entirely bare. My appendage entered so readily I had to look to see it was inside and not between our bellies, my heart sank, my honour as a cocksman was at stake and I would find no favour from Sophia so I ground myself into her, channelling my anger at her frigidity and humiliating behaviour into thrusting into her as hard and fast as I may. Channelling anger and frustration, channelling until the world shrank and there was just the one room and one bed and one whore and then there was just Sophia and I, her breath rasping her heart beating, her gasps of pleasure, her warmth, I kissed her neck as I pounded into her, forgetting for a moment the decorum of the whore house which forbade such, and then there was no room nor whore nor anything. The world reeled far below as my soul soared high above on clouds of purple pleasure, big fluffy clouds resembling exotic animals engulfed me. “Monsieur!” Madame said earnestly but I was so lost in my pounding that I paid her no heed until quite suddenly the ocean waves swept over me and before I knew my seed was gushing forth. Sounds escaped my throat, I knew not what but sounds there were and then there was a room full of people, and I ...
    ... was spread over a whore as my friends cheered and I was completely and gloriously spent. “My Lord,” Madame cajoled, “My Lord!” I looked at her. “Sorry,” I agreed. “Not bad old bean,” Capthorpe opined, “Eight out of Ten perhaps.” “How about if we double up?” Hogue suggested. “Indeed,” Capthorpe agreed, “I’ll take the brown, if you take the top?” “D’accord!” Hogue agreed, “Get a shift on Harecastle you’re holding the show.” I climbed from Sophia, staggered to the chair and sat exhausted. Calthorpe had Sophia’s ankles undone and had turned her and bent her over the bed end, my head was in my hands as he rammed his member up Sophia’s tight brown bud, not too tight as I had previously used her there but nor loose like a whore. She gasped, coughed and gasped again then all at once Capthorpe turned her and Bogue in turn claimed her womanhood so she remained suspended by their members, her feet not even able to touch the ground, just their members and arms holding her, crushing her, to keep her from falling. “Come on Geoffrey, there’s her mouth left to fill,” Bogue suggested. “No, I thank you, you win, fifty shillings it is,” I admitted and taking my jacket I placed two guineas and some shillings on the bed. I dragged my breeches and boots on, my shirt and waist coat also, my belt, and taking my jacket I wished Madame “Farewell,” and slipped away into the night. Fellows and Grayson awaited, “Shall you ride My Lord?” Fellows asked, “Or shall we await My Lady?” “My Lady, My Lady,” I ...