1. Sophia's Revenge

    Date: 8/10/2016, Categories: Fiction BDSM Cuckold, Fisting, Males / Female, Prostitution, Reluctance Threesome Wife Author: abroadsword

    Sophia’s Revenge It was a perfectly ordinary evening in Madame L’Oiseaux’s establishment, the year was that of the great exhibition in Hyde park, 1850 I believe, I remember Chantel was obliging me as I lay upon her bed. She was sitting upon my member and pleasuring herself greatly with it as I lay back, my head upon the pillows as I rested pleasantly after returning by train and carriage to Bath after a hard day of business in Bridgwater. We were not alone for sweet Michelle assisted Chantel and allowed me to suckle her bared teats as I desire. I well remember Chantel’s ample bosoms which bounced most provocatively as she pleasured herself which commanded my attention, that and her perfectly white teeth as she smiled almost blushing with excitement. The girls were attired as Madame directed with respectable clothing but no under things bar stocking suspenders and stockings and up thrusting Corsets designed to hold the mammaries proudly yet retain unobstructed access to the teats thereon. I allowed Chantel her pleasure, it was no hardship, though I fancied I should enjoy Michelle’s tight brown bud before I bade them farewell and returned to Sophia and the misery that was my marriage bed. Sophia was well bred, some would say hansom, I suppose her mounds and hips were quite presentable though I own in nigh on a year of marriage I had never seen her dis robed, nor uncovered by bed clothes, but she was such a cold woman, passionless, and cold that even when I visited her bed, as ...
    ... like as not on a Saturday evening, she kept the counterpaine firmly around her neck and availed me no view of her body what so ever. Even when she placed a pillow beneath her belly to afford me pleasure through her brown secondary orifice with no danger of projeny still was I denied the sight of her body. My life was well settled, my needs sated twice or thrice a week at Madame’s establishment, my duties performed on a Saturday, I was content, no puking chambermaids fat with child like some fellows seemed fated to endure, no projeny as yet, but no hurry, and contentment with Sophia’s dowry to keep me contented, life was indeed most pleasant. Suddenly there was commotion, a disturbance, voices raised, voices known to me, but why? The door flew open, and there in a furious rage stood Sophia accompanied by Fellows my butler and Grayson my ostler, a veritable mountain of a man, “Geoffrey, how could you?” Sophia cried. “Very easily given a willing wench,” I replied barely bothering to acknowledge her presence, “And what brings you here, employment perhaps?” “You evil low life verminous snake,” Sophia railed. “Pray continue my love,” I suggested, “I should like the good people to hear you disparage me so I might divorce you more easily.” Poor Chantel knew not what to do, nor sweet Michelle, “Pray continue,” I requested. “I shall divorce you, you whore chaser!” Sophia railed. “Yes you frigid vile tongued excuse for a wife,” I agreed, “Pray do that and I shall cast you out without a ...