1. Every Night Without Fail

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Erotic Poems, Author: Will_greybeard, Source: LushStories

    ... rapture, The nightly celebration of our love. Our bodies move in harmonious rhythm Mounting to the summit of our climax, When flesh melting into flesh, we become One person in mutual ecstasy, Pierced by Cupid's darts of eternal joy. And when at last we sleep, I know this truth, That you will surely join me in my dreams. In my dreams you come to me, my darling, Every night without fail, you are there, Lifting me to new heights of joy sublime. But in the cold light of another dawn, Reason reasserts its icy control, Saying these are not dreams, but delusions, Conjured from nothing by my fevered brain. So I arouse myself to see whether, As mounting again to sharp ecstasy, I can recapture the bright clarity Of those night-time visions, confirmation That what I see and feel in the darkness, Reveals the new and deeper reality That you truly come to me in my dreams.