1. Every Night Without Fail

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Erotic Poems, Author: Will_greybeard, Source: LushStories

    In my dreams you come to me, my darling, Every night without fail, you are there, Slipping quietly under the covers To lie beside me in my lonely bed, Waiting and expectant, ready for love. Your soft breasts nestle warm and inviting In the hollow of my back, perfectly Designed to arouse me from my slumbers, Sending their message of promised pleasure Along my tingling nerves from where they rest Down into my loins, to where my manhood, Begins to stir in anticipation Of the sweet delights to come when once more I enter deep into your eager flesh. In my dreams you come to me, my darling, Every night without fail, you are there, Leading me gently into our promised land, Where once more we will float on clouds of bliss, United in mutual ecstasy, The nightly consummation of our love. Practised fingers trace their familiar path Down my chest, igniting fires of desire Along their way, until they reach their goal, Where their caresses, so sweetly expert Complete the task so recently begun, Until I rise up proud and erect, throbbing With impatient desire, hotly ready To take you on our journey to heaven. In my dreams you come to me, my darling, Every night without fail, you are there, Turning to face me, pressing your soft lips Against mine, your tongue probing enticingly Into my mouth, in an exquisite dance Of expectation, foretaste of the joy Which will soon be ours, as our bodies join In our nightly journey beyond the stars. Sliding down my body, your nipples, Excited and hard with ...
    ... your arousal, You tenderly take my hot inflamed crown Within the eager portal of your lips, Enfolding the fullness of my being, To bring me to the very edge of bliss. In my dreams you come to me, my darling, Every night without fail, you are there, Holding me in your arms in an embrace Of ineffable tenderness and desire. The divine moment is fast approaching When I will overwhelm your defences, And take possession of your citadel. But before I make that final assault Deep into the soft heart of your being, My gentle vanguard must prepare the way, Lovingly caressing those fleshly gates That open wide the velvet lined highway Through which I will ride triumphant and proud, To claim the prize of your hidden treasure. In my dreams you come to me, my darling, Every night without fail, you are there, Moaning softly in unalloyed rapture, Sensations of delight flowing through you In rolling waves of exquisite pleasure, As deep within the centre of your heat My thrusting fingers seek the secret key That will unlock the door to paradise. The sweet music of your mounting climax Thrills and excites me to the very core, Joyful in the certainty that each night You will come again to me in my dreams To unite with me in acclamation Of our predestined and eternal love. In my dreams you come to me, my darling, Every night without fail, you are there, Willingly opening your legs, eager To accept my self offering of love. Sliding into the heart of your soft flesh, I take up once more our song of ...